You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!When approaching the boulder, Allen, who had been falling behind me not far behind me, suddenly accelerated past me and Levier and flew to the forefront. Then he raised his right hand and bit down hard with his mouth, sneer!Blood spurted from between his teeth, boom!A yellow lightning appeared out of thin air at Ellen’s location. The dazzling light made all of us squinted. A large amount of magic power quickly gathered in the past. The body of the giant began to form out of thin air, and then it hit a house next to the boulder. on.

boom!With a sound no less than the sound when a cannon fired, Allen turned into a giant and crushed the house for the most part. "It succeeded!" Looking at the giant with a body like a bodybuilder and ears like elves. , Everyone in the elite class couldn't help but feel refreshed."Ah!" The giant that Allen turned into stood up swayingly, and uttered an angry roar at the sky, "Damn, this guy really got out of control!" Looking at the chaotic eyes of the giant, I couldn't help cursing in my heart. There was a sound, and then he pulled Mikasa back: "Something's wrong, get out first!"

In the original plot, Allen attacked the unsuspecting Mikasa because he lost control, causing the latter to be smashed by splashing fragments while avoiding, leaving an inconspicuous scar.Although Mikasa is fully awakened now, let alone a small hole, even if he breaks his hand, he can slowly get it back, but since it can be avoided, why not do it?I won't let this fellow Alan do any stupid things!020 reading

expensive!Alan roared and slammed a punch in the direction of me and Mikasa, but because we had been careful to avoid him, Alan's punch did not hurt anyone even though it hit the bricks and stones."Damn it, this guy!" Lewell frowned, and actively controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to fly towards Allen. Seeing Lewell flying towards him, Allen let out an unexplained low growl. "The captain is in danger! Get away from him!" Ian yelled quickly. Allen raised his fist, but he paused and didn't immediately shoot out. His eyes seemed to be clear, and Levier immediately accelerated to his face. , Grabbed his hair with one hand, stepped on his nose and shouted, "Alan Yeager, don’t forget your mission! Move the boulder to block the hole, use your consciousness to control the giant, don’t let the giant Control you!"

"Roar!" Allen let out a low roar, and began to attack him frantically. The giant's hot blood splashed everywhere, his eyes sometimes clear and chaotic, and Lewell flew away from him with a light leap."What does this guy want to do?!" Ian looked at the giant Ellen in shock and said, "He is fighting against the will of the giant, but it seems that she can do it alone." I sighed. He pursed his mouth, "It seems that he intends to use the pain to awake himself. I have to help him. A knife on the back of his neck may be useful."

"Captain, do me a favor!" I cried, "What?" Lewell looked at me, "You help me attract his attention. I went around and stabbed him in the back of the neck. This should help him. Sober!" I replied, "Okay." Lewell nodded, and then controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to fly towards Allen. I circled around and flew towards the back of Allen Giant's neck, and everyone in the elite class Taking a wait-and-see attitude towards this, Rico took out the red letter pod and assembled it but did not fire it immediately, instead staring at us...

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