Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 334: The Trial Allen (1)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"You are Alan Yeager." Zaclay pushed his glasses, picked up a piece of paper and said, although he has white beard and hair, and he has a not very big beer belly and is short-sighted. But his majesty as a superior still oppresses Allen very nervous, "You have sworn to give your life as a soldier for the country, right?" Zacley asked, "Yes." Allen quickly responded. , Somewhat at a loss.

"This is a special event. This review belongs to a military law meeting where general laws are not applicable. The decision has been delegated to me, including your life and death. Do you have any objections?" Zaclay put down the paper and looked towards Allen said, Allen hesitated, but he lowered his head and replied: "No." "You are willing to cooperate, very good." Zacley nodded, "Then I will be straightforward, we are now. It is no longer possible to hide your existence. If you do not announce your existence in some form, it may cause dangers other than giants. What will be decided today is which corps, gendarmerie, or investigation corps will be handed over to you?"

"Then, let the gendarmerie present the proposal first." Zaclay turned his head to look at the side of the gendarmerie and said, "Yes!" A middle-aged man wearing a gendarmerie uniform with a small beard under his nose and chin immediately went up. After paying a salute to President Zacrei in the previous step, he said, “The head of the Gendarmerie Division Neil-Deck began to state the proposal. We believe that it should be dealt with immediately after a thorough study of Alan’s body! Although he did use the giant The power will attack this time, but his current existence may cause civil strife. Therefore, he should be made into a human spirit after obtaining information from him as much as possible." Nair's eyes met Alan for a few seconds. Then he turned his head away with some guilty conscience, obviously he also felt that this proposal was too cruel for Allen.80 Novel Network

"It's not necessary!" The priest of the wall cult suddenly interjected, and he stretched out his finger to Alan's hideous face, "He is confused as a pest that has invaded in the wall of God's wisdom, and should be killed immediately!" "Really, I saw it. There were not enough wall-teachers killed a year ago, so they still have room to bark." I couldn't help clenching my fist and whispered in dissatisfaction. Mikasa silently took my hand.

"Father Nick, please be quiet!" Zaclay knocked on the table dissatisfiedly, "Next, the investigation corps presents the proposal." "Yes! The 13th generation head of the investigation corps, Elvin Smith, begins to present the proposal." Wen stepped forward and said, "Our investigative corps will accept Ellen as a full member and use his giant power to recapture the Wall of Maria. The statement is over." The audience was quiet for three seconds, ready to listen to the head of Elvin. The long talkers couldn't help but look at him in surprise, "Huh? Is this enough?" Zakri asked in a bit of surprise, just to say what everyone was saying, and you finished it before I fell asleep?

"Yes." Irvin answered calmly, "As long as he can take back the Wall of Maria with his power, I think this matter should be prioritized." "Really?" A flash of Zacley's eyes flashed. Jingmang, "By the way, where do you plan to start when you perform the battle? Picksis, the walls of the Troost area have been completely sealed off?" "Well, it can't be opened again." Picksis said to him. President Zaclay, who looked at him, nodded...

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