You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The carriage stopped in front of a pub."We're here, get off." Sterling said. I couldn't help being a little surprised. According to common sense, newcomers should always leave a good impression on the other party the first time they join the organization to increase their sense of belonging and honor. This is to increase the loyalty of the opponent. When a newcomer joins the regiment, they will let the opponent go to the headquarters to see and then take an airship to circle around in the air, and then let the opponent swear an oath in accordance with the organizational regulations, and why do not suppress the troops? What about playing cards in common sense?

"You don't mean to say that the distance is still far, let's drink two glasses to quench our thirst before leaving, right?" I immediately looked at Sterling with a weird look, "Or is there no cave under the pub?" "Haha, neither. Sterling smiled and explained, "According to reliable information, the drug king Gala will be here today to have a big deal with his business partner. This guy is the largest organization in the wall that produces and sells illegal drugs. The leader, today the leader of the team said that he wants to catch all the high-level members of his organization here."

It turned out to be standing in front of me, and I thought it was really unreasonable to play a card against others to suppress the troops!I smiled. Kenny’s approach may be very effective for others, but for me, hehe!I don’t have to kill fewer people than him, but I didn’t care about Kenny’s different ways of doing things. I didn’t show it in front of Sterling. I just nodded blankly and asked: " Then do we need to take action?" "That's not necessary," Sterling smiled and said disdainfully, "It's just a drug dealer, we just watch, and be careful not to get hurt by mistake." "Oh." I nodded. , Stop talking.I love e-books

boom!At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the tavern. All the glass was shattered into pieces by the shock wave. Then there was the sound of a shotgun firing. Due to the angle and the smoke from the explosion, I could only see the inside of the tavern. The figure is shaking, but I can't see the specific situation, but listening to the sound seems to be a one-sided slaughter.The opposing forces occupied an overwhelming advantage, while the poison king Gala's people were unable to fight back, and were shot dead without even having a chance to shoot.

Huh!In the tavern, there were a few gunshots that were different from the fire of a shotgun. Then the door of the tavern was slammed open. A man with a fat body and a fierce face rushed out of the tavern in panic. Two guards were holding guns and firing violently to cover him to leave.boom!boom!With two gunshots almost indiscriminately shot, the two guards were shot half of their heads immediately. The body fell weakly. At the same time, a man in a leather jacket and cowboy hat also came from the side window. He jumped out, raised his hand in the air and broke the fat man's right leg with a shot.

"Ah!" The fat man screamed and fell to the ground, but even so, he didn't give up the plan to escape. He still crawled forward with both hands and didn't even dare to look back. Obviously, he was extremely afraid of the man. "Poison King Galla, really embarrassed, how was your prestige before?" The man wearing a cowboy hat stretched out his hand to straighten his hat, and looked at Poison King Galla who was lying on the ground and still trying to crawl forward, showing contempt. A triumphant smile, "Kenny Ackerman!" Gala called out the full name of the man in fear, "Why?"...

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