Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 346 Fighting Aids (1)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"The humanoid three-dimensional mobile device does not rely on the hook and anchor launcher at the waist to control the direction. Its hook and anchor launcher has been moved below the muzzle. The strike at the index finger is used for loading and unloading the barrel and firing. The middle finger The trigger at the place is used to launch and recover the hook anchor. Hold down to launch and lock, loosen to retract. Both sides of the waist are where the ammunition is placed. There are a total of eight shots. The barrel and bullet are integrated. You should familiarize yourself with it first.” At the supply point, Sterling explained while helping me wear the three-dimensional mobile device.

"What are the metal bars on my body used to increase the load?" I looked at the hollow steel bars on my body and asked. The presence of these steel bars makes the human-shaped three-dimensional mobile device look like a metal exoskeleton. The normal model is several times cooler, but I firmly believe that the existence of this thing is definitely not just to make people feel cool. Two years ago, the restorationists also seized several human-shaped three-dimensional mobile devices, but it was not so There are many hollow steel bars, and now I should be wearing a new model that Wang Zheng made.

"Ah, this is called a fighting aid." Sterling replied after scanning the hollow steel bar on my body. "Fighting aid?" I looked strange and moved my arm and said, "I didn't get it. Feeling the slightest support effect, on the contrary, this thing also limits my movement to a certain extent and reduces my flexibility." "Because you didn't activate it." Sterling shrugged, "I'm optimistic."

He knocked the ends of his hands, and with a soft click, the handle of the gun suddenly split into two halves, and the part that was used to lock the barrel became the joint of the handle.Sterling flicked his thumb lightly, moved half of the gun handle to the back of his hand, and locked it with a click, forming a simple metal glove.It can not only control three-dimensional mobile devices but also close combat, and it can also shoot hook and anchor attacks in close combat. It is indeed a good design, but I still don't see the usefulness of those hollow steel bars."That's it?" I glanced at Sterling. "What are those metal bars for? Fighting?" "You'll know if you try." A sinister smile appeared on Sterling's face. "The answer is guaranteed. What you expected!" Two-Five Thousand Novel Network

"Heh! Try it!" I inserted the gun back into the mouth of my body, twisted my neck and stood up. I have never been afraid of anyone in terms of fighting, not to mention a person whose physical fitness is far inferior to mine. Everyone, I have to see what new tricks Sterling can play?!"Let's do it." I said to Sterling without even posing for a fighting position. "Let me see the so-called fighting aids." "You kid," I frowned when I saw that I underestimated Sterling. "Well, be careful!"

laugh!The three-dimensional mobile device on Sterling's body suddenly made a sound of jet, and then he hit my chest with a punch. The speed and strength were beyond my expectations. My pupils shrank, and my arms hurriedly overlapped to block my chest. Before, the huge impact made me take two steps back before letting go."This..." I couldn't help but stare wide and surprised, while Sterling on the other side was even more surprised than me: " actually blocked it! This thing can smash through a brick wall. Ah! Even if I kept my strength just now, I should knock you off, how come?" "Damn!" I rolled my eyes when I heard this, grabbed Sterling's arm and threw him over the shoulder. On the ground...

This is the addition of this week. It's a bit late. Please forgive me.One_one|

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