You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Sure enough, when five of the military police flew over a three-story building with a three-dimensional mobile device, the kidnappers suddenly started their hands.The windows on the third and second floors were suddenly slammed open, and then six muskets protruded from the window, "What?!" Before the gendarmes could react, the kidnappers pulled the trigger, banging...six times. The gunfire sounded, and the gendarmes were shot and killed indiscriminately before they could make any evasive movements. Their bodies still rushed forward due to their inertia, and they slammed on the ground for several meters before stopping, while their faces remained unchanged. Shocked expression.

At this moment, the two figures suddenly sprang out from the left and right sides of the small building, manipulating the three-dimensional mobile device to rush towards the kidnapper's location, and at the same time detained the trigger, boom!boom!The kidnappers were killed and wounded immediately. It was Ren and Rick who came by. After making an alternate dodge action in the air, they ignored the dead body of the military police on the ground and quickly narrowed the distance to the target. Boom!Renn shot and killed a kidnapper again, and then hid behind a building. Rick suppressed the kidnapper with two shots and flew to the side. It seems that they also had the idea of ​​using the military police as bait.

boom!boom!There were two more roars of shotguns. This time they sounded from the back of the small building. Sterling also shot, but I don’t know how his battle will be. Two bangs of gunshots and a sound of glass breaking, one The figure suddenly smashed the glass and rushed out of the small building, and he was pulling a big ball in his hand?"Damn!" I keenly heard the kidnappers' curses and arrangements, "Disperse! Go to the military police to start!" "Sirling saved someone?" I said to myself, and didn't immediately take action. , But continue to hide in the dark and wait for the best time.

Bang!At this moment, a few smoke bombs flew out of the small building, and they exploded before they landed. The purple smoke obscured everyone's sight. "This group of guys is not easy. The preparations are so complete, then They should also be able to use the three-dimensional mobile device." I muttered to myself, and as expected, in the next second, four figures controlled the three-dimensional mobile device and flew out from the four directions of the small building quickly, and a few more smoke bombs were thrown. After getting out of the blinding sight, they fled in all directions.Ren and Rick each selected a target to chase over. The gendarmes also stared at a target, and the last one happened to rush to me. The time to shoot finally arrived.Changsha Novel Network

I rushed out of the vacant window, pulled the trigger at the target, boom!Under the sudden attack, the kidnapper was shot in the chest before I could react. He immediately snorted and fell out of control and fell to the ground. The three-dimensional mobile device fell off the body directly due to the impact, sliding several meters and hit it. The wall just stopped.

Under the vision of the hunter's vision, I can easily judge the life and death of the opponent. There will be no situation where the opponent pretends to be dead and then sucks up to me. The kidnapper died on the spot after being shot. After all, the power of the shotgun was not covered.I didn't waste time looking at him. I immediately chased the kidnapper responsible for the military police under the control of the three-dimensional mobile device. A dozen of them dealt with one person. Not only were they helpless, but the other party killed one person under the cover of smoke. It was really wasteful!However, it was precisely because of the large number of military policemen that they were not strong enough. The kidnapper did not choose to escape but kept circling around them. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill a few more people. My next target is him!

There is really nothing to say about the flexibility of the human-shaped three-dimensional maneuvering device in a small area. Many places that are difficult for ordinary models to pass are easily flew by human models, allowing me to take a lot of shortcuts...

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