You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"I'll say it again, let go of those girls!" a male military policeman pointed at the members of the Akachi slave group with a musket and roared, "You scumbags, I now declare that you have been arrested in the name of the military police!" "Hey, boy, our slave trade is legal, and you don't have the right to arrest us." Durris said with a nonchalant expression. The other members of the slave gang put on a posture of watching the show, and they Behind him, the six girls, the oldest of only 17 or 18, and the youngest of only twelve or thirteen years old, were tied together naked with ropes, their eyes blank.

"Don't want to quibble! Some of them I may have seen in the missing persons report. You are not only illegally abducting people, you are also suspected of killing their family members. Surrender immediately, or I will shoot!" The military police was angry. He said, the index finger pressed the trigger slightly, and as long as he applied more force, he could fire. "Boy, there are some things that can't be said nonsense!" A strong man behind Duris suddenly changed his face when he heard the words. He drew a short gun and pointed it at the military policeman and said in a threatening tone. At this time, more than 20 people in the slave group put away their relaxed expressions, and there was a hint of murder in the eyes of the military policeman. But helpless.

"What's the matter?!" Ren and Rick flew over and fell to the side of Durius and asked, while Sterling and I fell in front of the military policeman.I looked at the military policeman, and I always felt that he was a bit familiar. It seemed that he had appeared in anime. Such a military policeman with a sense of justice is very rare."What's your name?" I asked, "Marllow, Marllow-Sand." Marllow was taken aback, and then replied. I nodded, and Renn left when I was about to say something to him. Came over: "Soldiers, they are our informants. I don't care about you for what you don't know. Leave now!"

"What?!" Marlowe looked shocked, he stretched out his hand to look at Drus proudly and said, "But they..." "It's all a misunderstanding, their business is legal, now leave me immediately !" Renn interrupted him roughly, "But where are the slaves? They are not enslaved!" Marlowe cried, I turned to look at those unclothed and godless kneeling. The female slaves of Mikasa suddenly thought of Mikasa. If there was no one to save her, she would have ended up like this now, and even worse than them. After all, she is of Oriental blood, according to the traffickers back then. It is said that some perverts in the royal city like Orientals the most.2018 novel

Renn suddenly punched Mallowe’s stomach, making him so painful that he immediately grabbed his stomach and bent down. He couldn't even hold the gun and fell to the ground. "This is not something you should know, leave immediately, or kill. You!" Renne said coldly, "Hey, kid, you have a lot to learn." Durris also sneered, "Damn, you are in the same group." Marlowe said in pain, clutching his stomach. "This is a crime." "Where is your gendarmerie regiment so good?" Rehn curled his lips in disdain, "leave quickly, otherwise I wouldn't mind killing a gendarmerie by myself."

"If it were Allen and the others, they would definitely take action." I thought in my heart that the human trafficker I hate most among all kinds of people, because of my own selfish interests, separates other people's families from flesh and blood, even the worse ones. Will kill the family members of the abducted to ensure that they are killed. Douris and others are undoubtedly such people. If it were the previous one, I must have done it, but now the most hated person is doing evil in front of my eyes. But I just stood by, thinking of this, I already had a decision in my heart...

One more chapter for Dragon Boat Festival!Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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