You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After resolving Ren, Rick, and the people in the slave group, another problem posed before our eyes-how to arrange the children who were trafficked.It’s okay to deal with family members. Just check their identities and send them home by the military police. However, some of the children’s families were killed by them and they were already homeless, and there was no orphanage inside the wall. Such facilities, even if they exist, are extremely small. It seems that there are adoptive homes in the wall teaching, but I will never send them to the wall teaching, and they will not be able to survive independently.

In fact, the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce will definitely not mind adopting these children. It is no big deal to provide them with food and let them help in the Chamber of Commerce. Even if someone has an opinion, I will let him keep it.But the trouble is that I am now undercover in the suppression of people, but there is no way to contact the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce. If you force contact, it will only expose them, which is the most troublesome.I was upset that the force of swinging the knife in his hand could not help but increase a little, causing Durius to let out a high scream again, and not far away, several girls looked at him like hate.

"Do you want revenge yourself? Then come and do it." I looked at them and said, "The sword is borrowed from you, but don't let it kill people. That would be too cheap for them." The girls looked at each other. Looking at each other, the headed girl with flaxen hair and brown eyes who looked about 13 or 14 years old suddenly stepped forward and took my dagger, and then plunged a sword between Drus’s legs, the latter He rolled his eyes and passed out without even screaming."Hiss~" Upon seeing this, Sterling and Marlow couldn't help taking a breath, and quickly turned their heads to stop looking at the murderous scene.I am feeling sorry for my holy silver dagger. I would not borrow it if I knew she would stab the place. How long will it take to clean it afterwards!Love me ebook

The other girls who were a step slower also rushed up at this time. Without a dagger, they used their teeth and nails to avenge the traffickers. The crying and roaring of the girls and the screams of the traffickers suddenly flooded. Up here."Gawain, it's a bit too much." Sterling couldn't help but start speaking, seeming to be a little frightened by the crazy look of the girls, "Some emotions have to be vented." I said blankly. I think revenge by hand is the best way to vent, and it won’t let them be shrouded in the shadow of human traffickers all their lives."

"You seem to hate human traffickers." Marlowe cautiously said, "For this, you don't even hesitate to shoot at your comrades because they are mixed with human traffickers." "Well, I hate human traffickers the most, in my opinion. These scumbags should be put to death by Ling Chi.” I looked at the girls who were venting on the traffickers and said. After a little hesitation, I decided to tell them about my previous events, on the one hand to explain On the other hand, it is to get their support in order to deal with the traffickers and resettle the poor girls.

It was not easy to recall the tragedy of the year, but after concealing the dialogue that might reveal the restoratives, I still finished the story of the year."Sorry for reminding you of such a bad memory." Marlowe said embarrassedly. The girls didn't know when they stopped and all turned to look at me, "Okay, think about how to explain and Let them be settled." I waved my hand and said, changing the subject, "The other military police should have arrived, it's really slow!" Seeing me change the topic, they also cooperated with interest, and then I explained the situation with the military police. Place those girls...

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