You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!I wandered around in the royal city for a while and ate something. It was almost six o'clock before I started to rush to the tavern like Kenny said. Although it is an imperial city that only people with status can live in, it is often linked to the bottom level like a tavern. The things still exist, and they are much more upscale.The Mofei Tavern is located in a piece of shops. It is well-connected in all directions and there are many alleys. It is the best place to escape, and there is a lot of traffic in this place. As long as there is a few seconds, I can get rid of it. Tracking, why did Kenny choose this place?

On the way, I also found two people who followed me. Their technology was so bad that I found them without much effort. If Kenny knew my true identity, he would never use such a rookie against me. And the two people's behavior is not like suppressing the troops, but why are there other forces following me?A series of weird things made me raise my vigilance to the highest level. I will always be on guard for possible enemies and ambushes. As long as there is something wrong, I will immediately leave.

The door of the pub is not closed. At a glance, you can see the dancing girls and the people drinking and chatting in the center of the stage. There is a simple soundtrack to the dance. It is neither too quiet nor too noisy. Such a good environment allows you to drink in the pub There are a lot of customers for a cup, and there is a private room on the second floor, but I don’t know how the private room is.I scanned the crowd slowly, and finally found Kenny’s figure in the corner: he was sitting on a chair wearing a cowboy hat, his feet were lifted on the table without any image, and there were three empty wine bottles on the table. , There was a long trench coat hanging on the hanger beside him. It looked like it should be his. I noticed that he didn't bring equipment either.Twelve Literature Network

Kenny lowered his head and pressed the brim of the cowboy hat so low that it was impossible to see his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was drunk and fell asleep. This appearance also shows a meaning-please disturb.I frowned. I still don’t understand what medicine Kenny is selling in the gourd, but since they are all here, there is no reason to go without turning my head. I took a deep breath and walked towards Kenny. I fell. To see what he wants to say to me, I have a hunch that it's time for the showdown!

"I'm here." I pulled off the chair opposite Kenny and sat down. "What are you looking for?" "Ah, Gawain." Kenny grinned and looked up at me. There was nothing at all. He looked drunk, and at the same time he took out a small bag of things from his pocket with his left hand, pulled it with his right hand and threw it out, bang!The black smoke immediately filled the first floor of the tavern. The crowd who was still caring just now became confused, and women screamed, "Follow me, don't lose it!" Kenny's lazy expression swept away. And Kong, whispered to me, his expression was extremely serious, and then he turned and walked quickly to the front desk, and took his windbreaker smoothly.

"What's the matter?!" I was completely confused by Kenny's strange behavior, but things have reached this point, I won't stand stupidly on the spot, raise my hand to activate the hidden spell card and then I quickly stepped towards Kenny to chase Go, the development of things is so unexpected, I must figure out what Kenny really wants to do. It’s not a big deal to take a risk for this purpose, and I’m not a follower who hasn’t arranged my life, prepare Showdown...

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