You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!In the next ten days, Kenny did fulfill his promise, telling me the details of the owner of the suppressing force and the location of the safe houses and supply points, including the manuscript of the latest three-dimensional mobile device for humans. He got it for me within five days, and with the support of this information, when it really started fighting, the repressive forces would definitely not be able to withstand the thunderous blow of the reinstatementists.After all the information was confirmed to be true, I passed it to the restitutionists.

In addition to the above gains, I also learned a piece of news that is extremely beneficial to the restoratives-there is a lot of contradiction between those with extremely poor conduct in the suppression force and other relatively good people.To be elected to the suppression force will naturally not be a good man and believer. Killing is definitely a basic skill, but most people still have a bottom line and a basic conscience, while some people have no bottom line and conscience at all. , What he did is simply infuriating, saying that he is a human feels insulting the word.When this kind of guy is your teammate, would you see him pleasing to the eye and getting along with him?Just kidding, he'll be fine after a shot.

When the time comes, the restorationists will try their best to attack those with extremely bad behavior. If a person with a bad relationship with you is killed, you will certainly not have much hatred against the murderer, even if the person who is killed is nominally you The same is true of teammates, so the subsequent processing will be much easier.

As time went by day by day, the matter of suppressing the troops was basically handled, but now there is another headache before me—according to the plot, the giantess incident is about to begin.As in the original plot, the head of Irvine still intends to take Alan to conduct an outside investigation one month after the newcomer joins the group, and then use this to induce and capture the giants sent by Marais.Irvine has even passed Xu Jingkun's note to the restoring party, and the restoring party Lance said that it would provide equipment and financial support.187 Novel

Regardless of the plot or the characteristics of the giant's ability, Yani is the most suitable candidate to take Alan in the investigation outside the wall. If you really want her to go and cause serious damage to the investigation corps, then don't think about the rebellion. .In the end, the best result was that Yani had frozen herself with hardening. Xu Jingkun was definitely unacceptable, although hardening was not indestructible.

What makes people speechless is that Xu Jingkun hasn’t made any progress recently. The original plan was to let him soak Yani... er, instigate rebellion, yes, instigate rebellion, and now this goal seems to be far from success. distance.It is said that after Yani came to the gendarmerie, Xu Jingkun did not meet her several times. He exchanged letters once a week. She was very Buddhist, but I was very anxious on the side. This is because the emperor is not in a hurry...stop!Let's use another metaphor. That word is too unlucky. In short, things should end sooner.

Time passed quickly like this, and there was only one day left before the 57th out-of-the-wall survey. Because of the one-line contact with the restitutionist and the fact that I deliberately minimized the frequency of contact, I don’t know. What are the arrangements on Irvine's side?Anyway, it doesn't have anything to do with me, and I can't intervene for the time being. It's better to go out and relax than worrying about it.With this idea, I put on a three-dimensional mobile device and put on a long windbreaker at the dawn of genius, notified Sterling and went out...

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