You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"They are recovering well, and the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce did not treat them badly." Marllow said seriously and helplessly, "It's just that the physical injury is easy to recover, and the shadow in my heart is hard to say." "They will get better." I He patted Marllow on the shoulder and said, "Let's not talk about it, we still have a task to do. Do you have any information about the Marllen Chamber of Commerce?" "Marllen Chamber of Commerce?" Marllow frowned, and then nodded. Turned around and searched the bookcase behind him for a while, he said, "I found it, right here. The Gendarmerie's information department is too messy, and it takes a lot of effort to find something."

"To put it simply, the Malian Chamber of Commerce buys goods from the Wall of Maria and sells them to the Wall of Hina, earning a lot of profit from it." Mallow introduced, "As a Chamber of Commerce, this is a normal business model. "Yani also recovered and said at this time, "Yes," Marlow raised her head. "But after the wall of Mary was destroyed in 845, the Chamber of Commerce shrank on a large scale, and the only thing left was a carriage The passenger transport industry." "So that's it, I've been very helpful." Yani nodded, "Are you being forced to work too?" "Don't compare me to those guys." Marlowe said grimly. "I'm just making a search catalog. Without a search catalog, I can't imagine it!" Yani asked a little bit and walked away.

After sitting down by the side window, Yani couldn't help but curiously asked me: "Gawain, those kids?" "They were rescued by Marlo and I from the traffickers." I explained briefly. "Focus on your task." Yani nodded, took out her small book and began to analyze: "The Malian Chamber of Commerce is declining, but Strertmann still maintains a luxurious standard of living, and Carly- Stratman, the family business is clearly declining, but she neither assists the family business nor works, and her father is indifferent to this matter, don’t you think it’s strange, Gawain?” “This shows that they are in the dark. For other income channels, the kind that is not visible, that Carly should be the person in charge." I shrugged.

"Yes, Carly lives on her father's money, but when her father talks about his daughter, he seems to be talking about a generation." Yani suddenly raised her head and closed the notebook and said, "Your judgment should be right Gao Wen. We can start from the job search records, we should be able to find clues and locations about Carly Stratmann, and then we can follow the trail.” As a result, as expected by Yani, Carly accepted it two years ago. Duty investigation, when she slept drunk in front of the tavern, the military police arrested her.The name of the tavern is "Pit Lidors" and it is located in a messy slum. It is the only clue we can find.Yeye Chinese

After ignoring a homeless man squatting next to the tavern, Yani opened the door and entered the tavern first. Just after she entered, the voices of the few guests in the tavern were immediately muted, and everyone secretly looked at them with fearful eyes. Looking at her wearing a military police uniform.Yani ignored their eyes automatically, scanned the crowd once, and walked straight to the front desk of the pub. "I'm from the Gendarmerie Branch of the Stouhais District. Have you seen this girl?" She moved Carli's portrait to the counter. Asked after the release.

After a casual glance at the portrait, the waiter continued to concentrate on the work at hand, and replied casually: "I don't know." Yani was silent for a few seconds, and took out a fifty ris coin from her arms and placed it on the stage. The waiter looked at her in surprise, but still said, "Even if you take this out, you don't know what you don't know." "I'm just thirsty." Yani said blankly, "Come on a bottle... Two bottles of lemonade."...

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