You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The sturdy bastard showed a little shame on his face, but reached out his hand to pick up a pill of codeloin on the table and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowed it with alcohol, and looked like a drug addict.The little old man glanced at him, then turned his gaze back to Yani, with a puzzled look on his face: "But it's weird, we have been taking other drugs, and Carly has never said anything." "But she sees. When it came time for Codeluoyin to get angry, why?" Yani asked, "We also want to know about this." The third gangster said, Yani turned to look at him: "Why did you lie and say you didn't know Ka Li?" The three gangsters glanced at each other, but did not immediately answer.

Yani glanced at them coldly, and said: "You don't want to go home, do you?!" "Wait, wait a minute!" The strongest bastard hurriedly called, explaining their approach. Because we think Carly may be doing something improper, that guy’s father’s business is not working, but Carly’s wallet is full, no matter what you think, there’s a problem with the money!" "So we thought you were I'm here to arrest Carly." The little old man echoed, "Also, there is a guy who is not good at all looking for Carly." The robust bastard added, with a worried expression on his face.

"What kind of guy?" Yani frowned and turned her head to look at me. I said, "..." "It's a man in a fine formal suit, with one eye as a prosthetic eye." The strong bully pointed to his right eye and said "The part of the prosthetic eye is red, and you can understand immediately when you see him." "When did you see him?" Yani asked after writing a few pens in the notebook, "Almost five days ago." Strong The bastard replied, "What is the improper thing Carly is doing?" Yani asked again, "Uh~, I don't know about this." The strong bastard shook his head, and Yani was silent for a few seconds without face. Faced with the three gangsters who looked at them with an expression, they said, "I understand, I will say in the report that you sold me drugs to children, and cell life will become very long." Literary writing www.

"Huh?!" The three gangsters suddenly widened their eyes, and I screamed unclearly. As expected, it was Yani. The means were simple."Hey, stop joking!" The strong bastard couldn't help standing up and shouting at Yani, "We really don't know anything!" "You just said that you didn't know Carly." Yani said disdainfully. He also stood up, "What is improper, is it possible to forget it?" "No, we really don't know!" The strong bully hurriedly called, "Maybe you think again on the way to the cell. I'm getting up." Yani looked cold.

Just as the three gangsters gritted their teeth and tried to fight for escape, the waiter who had been watching silently suddenly said to help them: "I think these people really don't know, so please stop. Can you torture them?" "Do you think of something?" Yani turned her head to look at the thin and beautiful waiter and asked coldly, "I haven't forgotten anything, I just don't want to be disturbed while reading. "The waiter replied with a smile, obviously looking harmless to humans and animals, which really gave me a sense of danger.

"Carly's boyfriend may know what she's doing." The waiter said, "What's the name and address?" Yani stared at him and asked, "Kampa-Poltz is located in Nan'ancheng District. I also know the specific address. I don’t know.” The waiter replied. Yani nodded and turned her gaze back to the strong bastard. "I...I just learned about it!" The strong bastard said nervously, and Yani stretched out her hands to grab He held his arm, "You...what are you doing?" He cried out in fear, but Yani did take her arm back a little harder: "Excuse me."...

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