You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"What am I thinking about!" I got up and patted my face and muttered to myself with some amusement, "Resurrect the dead soul, I burned the most powerful dead soul with a holy flame. It really is , It’s not that I haven’t dealt with undead things.” With the idea of ​​letting the task be completed a little longer, I didn’t wake Yani immediately, but instead chose to sit in a chair and wait quietly. Anyway, mine. Time is very abundant.

Yani slept for a long time this time, and she opened her eyes again just before sunset. "You are awake." I said, "Why didn't you call me?" Yani looked at me somewhat. I asked dissatisfiedly, "I think you are tired, so I didn't call you." I shrugged, "And there is plenty of time, isn't it? You didn't stipulate that this task must be completed today." "I have something to do tomorrow. , I wouldn’t take this task if it wasn’t for repaying the favor.” Yani paused, then said angrily, got up and walked out the door, “That’s really sorry, I don’t know this.” I Ying Dao, smiled in his heart, and stepped to keep up with Yani. After being caught by such an accident, it is unlikely that the task will be completed today.

When walking back to the place where the carriage was dropped off, the coachman and the carriage were still waiting there, and there were more people on the side."Didn't I say that I wouldn't wait?" I frowned, and I secretly increased my vigilance, and my right hand was already pressed on the shotgun, and the situation seemed a bit wrong."Let you wait a long time." It seemed that because she had just woken up and her consciousness was not fully awake and a little irritable, Yani didn't notice the abnormality at this time, and she said to the driver politely before getting into the car. , "Go to Stratmann's house." The coachman hummed with some guilty conscience. When I saw this, I immediately drew my gun and put a gun on his forehead without hesitation: "Don't move!"

"Gawain!?" A look of surprise flashed across Yani's face. The hand that had stretched out to grab the car door immediately retracted, but at this moment, the car door was suddenly opened with a slam. The man in a gray suit with a dome hat and glasses leaned out half of his body with a knife in his left hand and pointed at Yani, "Someone behind!" Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind me, and my left hand quickly pulled out a shotgun and pointed it behind me. "Don't move!" Before I could point to the target, a barrel of a gun hit my forehead. At the same time, the barrel of my shotgun was grabbed to the side and we were ambushed!Follow the book to see

"Damn it, it's too careless!" I cursed in my heart. If it were normal, I would definitely check the surroundings with the hunter's vision and breath sensor first, and it would definitely not happen in this situation.But in front of Yanni, I didn’t dare to use any superpowers. Although these abilities belonged to a category that would not be noticed by ordinary people, God knows whether there will be any knowledge on Marais to teach them to perceive them. There is a certain connection between humans and the power of giants, so I don't dare to take risks at will, so as not to have problems.

"Don't move, we have no plan to kill you here, don't force me to resort to dirty tricks." The man sitting in the carriage supported his hat and said, revealing his red eyes. The guy is the one who was also looking for Carly that the strong bastard mentioned at the time, it seems we were caught by them."Hey, put the gun down." The person behind him also started, poking me with the muzzle. I gritted my teeth and put down the gun helplessly. Yani and I have the means to deal with them, but we don't want to be in front of each other. Revealed, so we can crush them but it seems to be in a weak position.

The man on the carriage motioned with his eyes, and the third person in their team stepped forward and took away my magazine, gas tank, and dagger, and tied me up. Yani was taken away from the notebook and A ring is also tied with his hands...

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