Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 389 Plan and Conspiracy

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Irwin pulled out a map from the drawer and spread it on the table. Then he pointed to the map and said, "They will definitely choose the shortest route when escaping, which is here. From here, they cross the plain and then try to turn over by the Kalanez area. The Wall of Rosette leaves. Here, the restorators have already buried mines and wait for them to take the bait. Every time the investigative corps goes out, the garrison will use cannons on the walls to clean up the giants, and the gendarmerie will attack us inside Escort was provided for the itinerary, but unfortunately, after the investigation corps got out of this incident, I was busy conducting internal audits and guarding against possible giant spies and forgot to notify them.”

I couldn't help touching my nose when I heard the words: "It's really ruthless, you're really not polite to cheat up your teammates." "If this happens, there is nothing we can do," Irwin said. A look of helplessness, "Who makes the investigative corps too weak?" "This way you can get more funds and manpower by this, a good strategy." I shrugged and said, not intending to continue. Going deeper on this topic, "You plan to take a long way to avoid the minefields, and the Garrison Corps and the Gendarmerie Corps will help you fill them during this period, but what do you plan to do with the remaining mines?' , Demining crematorium' have you heard the sentence?"

"Don't worry about this, those mines can be manually detonated, and the scene will be spectacular by then." Irvine showed a devilish smile, "We have always passively defended against invaders outside the wall. Now it’s finally time to take the initiative. And this should also be the fuse that Gao Wen has been waiting for. Regardless of the outcome of the matter, Wang Zheng will make an action against the investigation corps, and it must be done by various means. Then we will have a reason to resist." Yudi Bookstore

I was shocked in my heart. I didn’t expect that Irwin would have such far-reaching thoughts, and even the reaction of all parties would be predicted. It is probably because of this that the investigative corps led by him could change from merely serving as a negative teaching material for the people inside the wall. A corps that many people are yearning for, and it was regarded as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh by many parliamentarians and nobles in the wall, and they did everything possible to get rid of him.

"Moreover, we have the confidence to have a showdown with Yani after we have settled Reiner and Berthold. Xu Jingkun's progress is too slow, let us help him." A trace of Irwin's face flashed. With a smile, I just smiled directly: "Haha, this guy is really too bad to ask for help from girls. Then, when are you going to do it?" "It's 8:11, we're almost half past eight. Do it, someone will control the time." Irwin took out his pocket watch from his arms and took a look, then replied, "If you want to join the war, turn left and go to Livier first, and he will take you to the equipment department to pick up the equipment. Yes, but time has to be hurry."

"Okay." I nodded, but then asked again, "Does Reiner and their identities Allen know now?" "I don't know." Elvin shook his head, "I'm worried that Alan will know the identity of the other party. I can’t do it anymore.” “That’s what I said, then I’ll prepare it first, and see you later.” I turned and left, and started looking for Levi’s figure. After all, I’m not familiar with most of the investigative corps, only I was able to collect equipment from the Investigation Corps through Levi’s rights...

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