You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Attention everyone! The super giants and giants of armor appeared, and immediately carried out crusades against them, and the target captured them!" The voice of the head of Irwin sounded in the field, and the stunned people immediately came to their senses, and the veteran They also began to organize and urge quickly, and at the same time launched the first wave of attacks on the super giant and the giant armor.More than a dozen figures wearing dark green patterned cloaks with the Wings of Freedom logo of the Investigation Corps controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to immediately rush towards the super giant, and the giant of armor...

"Ah!" A roar full of anger sounded in the distance, and Allen turned into a giant somehow. After the iconic pointed ears shook, the giant Alan immediately rushed towards the giant of armor, right The fist condensed a thin layer of light blue hardened crystals, which should be the result of his training by Lance in the past month."By the way, where's Lance?" I couldn't help asking. "The guy Irwin said that the ancestor giant must not be lost and did not allow him to participate in this operation." Lewell squinted and said, "Be prepared. , We are going!"

The super giant swung a huge palm and swept towards the investigators who flew towards it, but the slow motion caused by its huge size caused it to be avoided by the investigators before it hit the target. The back of the neck flew away, and the palm swept away.On the other hand, the giant of armor was slow to respond because of the unrecovered injury. Before the defensive posture was set, Alan's hardened right fist hit his face severely, and the facial skeleton was broken. After taking a lot of time, he hurriedly pulled away two steps in a row, looking very embarrassed.

At first glance, our side seems to have the upper hand from the beginning. The slow movements of the super giants are nothing to do with the agile investigators. They will be attacked in the back of the neck in a while, and the rigidity has been proved. Hardness is better than bone armor, and the giant of the armor is very embarrassed by that punch. Victory seems only a matter of time.But in fact, the super giant still retains the skill of high-temperature steam, which is useless, and it is impossible to let people get in with it, let alone cut the back of the neck. The situation on Allen's side is also not good.His training time is too short, but the degree of hardening is too low. Although the punch just now hits well, it can make the flesh and blood after hardening the punch to crack. It takes time to recover and cannot be pursued.Douzi Literature Network

laugh!At this moment, the super-large giant finally couldn't help launching the high-temperature steam after the investigators were constantly approaching the back of his neck. The sudden hot wind made the investigators caught off guard and lost control of their flight. Many people were blown on the spot. Fei, the rest of the people only persisted in a few seconds and followed in the footsteps of the former.The billowing hot wind also prevented the reinforcements of other investigators. The hook anchor was blown back as soon as it was launched, and it was impossible to get close. The investigators who were blown into the air barely relied on their superb skills to land. Back to the ground, no one was killed.

The only thing that is not affected by the strong hot wind is the giant armor and the attacking giant, who are too heavy and will not be blown away and are immune to high-temperature steam, and this hot wind also gives the giant armor time to relax. Fist blasted towards the face of the giant Ellen.Allen also reacted quickly and immediately raised his left arm to block it in a similar manner, but without hardening for blessing, the flesh and blood body could not block the fist covering the bone armor, and the giant of armor punched. So he pierced the giant Ellen’s arm and hit him in the face...

Ah, I have started to make up the chapters I owed before, and I ask for a recommendation.T_T

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