You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Just when everyone thought that the winning ticket was in hand and was ready to rush to solve the opponent, Kaizhi Giant suddenly lowered his head and his body began to evaporate. "What?!" Everyone was shocked. To be on the safe side, the commander waved his hand and ordered: "Disperse first. Open!" The investigators immediately backed away. The next moment, a yellow lightning appeared out of nowhere, and a new armored giant appeared in front of everyone. The original scarred body had been abandoned, and the giant armor stretched out his hand and brought it on. Berthold rushed through the defense line arbitrarily and fled.

"This!?" Most of the investigators were shocked and their eyes widened. Many people immediately wanted to catch up, but they were stopped by the people of Liweiban who knew the inside story: "Don't chase! Get on your horse and follow us to the next location. , This is the order of the head of Irvine!" "...Yes!" Although they were filled with confusion and dissatisfaction, the person who stopped them was the elite team of the investigation corps, Liweierban, and they also moved out of Elvin. Commander Wen, because of his obedience to the order and his admiration for Liwillban, the investigators chose to obey the order.

Without the chase of the investigative corps, the giant of armor quickly rushed out of the woods with Berthold into a wide plain, but the plain looked messy, as if it was overturned by the excavation team. It's like having gone over and over again.But under the situation of chasing soldiers, Reiner and Berthold were no longer suspicious. The Giant of Armor immediately rushed forward. The three-dimensional mobile device in the plains was not useful, anyway. It is important to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind you first, the investigative corps is too difficult!Girls' short stories

Soon Rainer and Berthold paid the price for their actions.boom!boom!Just as the giant of armor stepped forward again with its left foot, two explosions suddenly occurred under its left foot. The shock wave caused its body to sway and almost fell, and the bone armor of the leg was shaken out. crack.The sudden attack made the giant of armor stunned for a moment, and immediately began to look for the enemy, but found nothing.The giant armor took another tentative step forward, boom!Another explosion appeared on the soles of its feet, causing it to take a step back quickly, "Leiner, it's a minefield!" Berthold hurriedly called.

"Roar!" The Giant of Armor roared in response to Berthold's words, turned and rushed to the side. Since the front can't get through, try the side, boom!boom!Two explosions ruthlessly broke the fantasy dream of the giant of armor, and at the same time blasted the bone armor of its left leg, "Leiner, try the right side!" Berthold called, the giant of armor tried, the same. Destroyed by embarrassment, "It seems that I can only go back and make a detour." Rainer just thought about it, and a roar from behind made him dismiss the idea.

"Ah!" Giant Ellen roared in excitement, and looked at the giant armor in front with friendly (nuclear) eyes. On its shoulders stood everyone from Xu Jingkun's class. As long as you dare to retreat, we will definitely be able to The look of entertaining you.If you can't retreat, you can only break through the minefield!Rainer's eyes were sharp, and he immediately controlled the giant armor to rush forward, and immediately he paid a heavy price for his recklessness, Boom!boom!boom!boom!boom!boom!…The almost continuous explosion shattered the legs of the giant of armor, causing it to lose its balance and fall forward, and at the same time sparked a series of explosions...

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