Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 400 The Super Giant Gets The Threat

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Speed ​​up, I'll fix it!" Xu Jingkun shouted immediately, raising his hand to cast an acceleration spell card on the giant Ellen, and then controlling the three-dimensional mobile device to fly to the back of the giant giant's neck, without the hindrance of hot wind Let him easily come to the back of the giant's neck with a knife and severely cut it off: "Berthold, get out of me!" Shit!The saint silver blade slashed away the giant's flesh and blood, and at the same time cut off Berthold’s limbs. The pain caused him to fall into a coma. Xu Jingkun grabbed his back leader and removed it from the giant. Pulling out, the body of the giant that had lost its core immediately began to evaporate and disintegrate. Allen and the others managed to escape. The super giant has been captured, and now only the giant of armor is left.

After the mine array trap, it’s time to head-to-head. There is no trick. It’s like this all the way to the wall, and it’s not effective against the giants of armor. After all, the holy silver products are very expensive, and the armor is broken. The sharp weapon thunder gun can't be shown for the time being, and there are no more people who can't break the armor.For this reason, Irvine managed to pull the garrison and gendarmerie down into the water, so that we can at least get the support of the artillery near the wall, but I don’t know if the artillery, which has been improved a lot compared to five years ago, is capable of breaking the armor. The giant's bone armor is gone.

"The report shows that the super giant Berthold has been successfully captured, but the giant Reiner escaped under the cover of the opponent. Pay attention." Xu Jingkun's voice sounded in the transmission of Buddhism, but the investigative corps has been nervous. The high-levels couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the super giant has been dealt with, and the remaining giants of armor will definitely not be able to escape.The investigative corps has dispersed its forces and placed a cordon. When the armored giant is moving, it will fire green smoke bullets to warn it, and then the investigative corps will swarm in. The armored giant is not good at speed, and the chance of escape is basically zero.

Bang!The next moment, a green letter smoke bomb suddenly soared into the sky, pointing diagonally in one direction, and the giant of armor appeared."Prepare for battle, other people pay attention to cover Lewell's attack, go!" Irvine immediately shouted when he saw this, and rushed forward on horseback, "Heart for mankind!" "Heart for mankind!" The investigators have one after another. Going along, following the head of Irwin, rushed forward, with an aura like a rainbow. I have to say that his ability to inspire aura is definitely one of the best in the wall.Aesthetic novel

After riding forward for a while, another letter was sent to the sky, reminding us that the giant of armor has changed direction. After receiving the signal, we quickly changed the direction to chase the giant of armor, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer. The enemy is about to be picked up in a few minutes, "Ha! This guy is probably in a panic." Mick looked in the direction pointed by the smoke and smiled, "The two directions are slightly different but they are generally towards the Kalaniez area. Running in the direction, does it want to be besieged to death?" "What?!" The speaker had no intention of the listener's heart, and the head of Erwin and I couldn't help being surprised.

"No, this guy is not panicking anymore, he is going there consciously!" I quickly said, "He wants to break the door!" "Once it successfully breaks the door, we can only do it again like the Troost District. I fought, and was dragged by the brainless giants constantly pouring in from the gap, allowing the giant of armor to escape successfully.” Erwin said, his eyes flashed, “After the escape, it can still take advantage of us to be caught by the giant. To rescue the super giant when dragged, our guards will inevitably be empty and will be rescued by them in all likelihood."

"Damn it!" The crowd on the side changed their expressions when they heard the words, and Lewell yelled, immediately speeding up the horse belly, "Gawain, Mikasa, cooperate with me, use the bursting spell card!"...

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