You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Gawain, you sat for a long time and didn’t speak. Later, you leaned against me and asked you not to. It shocked us. Then the instructor came over and looked at your situation and said you were You are too tired, Gao Wen, you are too careless to rest." Mikasa did not realize what was wrong with my behavior, staring at my face just complained, I smiled bitterly and stretched out my hand and touched my head: "I sleep How long has it been?" "More than eight hours." Mikasa pouted and replied, "Gawain, haven't you had a good rest recently?"

"I have enough rest, but my nerves are too tight. I have been relatively busy these two days. I was more relaxed when I was with you, and I fell asleep accidentally." I told the truth and added. There was a sweet saying that straight men would never say by Allen: "Especially when I'm with you, it's the most relaxing." "Yeah." Mikasa blushed and lowered his head and stopped talking. I I took the scarf off my belly, shook it, and then put it around her, "Also, you are the one who doesn't pay attention to rest. Captain Lewell told me about your situation." I squeezed her. She opened her face and said, Mikasa's face flushed.

"I...I just don't want to be your drag." Mikasa whispered, and I couldn't help but rubbed her head distressedly: "Pay attention to rest. Don't get tired. If you are tired, you will lose more. I don’t think you will be a hindrance.” Mikasa nodded obediently, and she was happily praised, and made people want to kiss me. Then I just did what I wanted, but my dear. It's a face. Mikasa has no resistance to my behavior, and she hugged me for a long time, but it's not the time to think about it. Let's talk about it after the things inside the wall are over.I love to read novels

"By the way, how is Ellen's state now? Where did they go?" At this time, I had the energy to pay attention to the situation of Ellen and others. "They all went to dinner. Alan is now in Arming's I've been thinking about driving a lot, Gao Wen, don't worry about this anymore." Mikasa nestled in my arms and replied, "Well, let's go to dinner." I nodded, feeling a little ashamed of Mikasa. "Thanks for your hard work. I have been with me until now, my legs are numb." "It's not just me, Mia also helped me for a while." Mikasa stood up with my help, sticking out her tongue. "Gavin, I can't walk."

I hugged Mikasa to the entrance of the cafeteria in a princess hug before letting her down. Originally I wanted to hug Mikasa directly into the cafeteria, but Mikasa's skin was obviously not as thick as mine. As soon as I arrived at the door, I asked me to let her down and then walked in with me The canteen of the Investigation Corps.The successful capture of the giants of armor and the super giants is obviously a big victory. Not only did we have no major casualties, but also exaggerated in front of other corps. It also proved that Allen can indeed make a contribution to mankind and is undoubtedly worth Celebrate.Commander Irwin had previously announced an extra meal in the canteen, and now the canteen has become a carnival place for the investigating corps, which makes people a little uncomfortable.

The people in the first nine classes who have the same feeling of discomfort with me, after all, the investigators are not very familiar with Reiner and Berthold, and naturally they have no feelings for them, but we and Reiner and the others However, we have eaten and lived together for three years. Now we are naturally uncomfortable.Trainer Reiner Brown and Berthold Hoover are my good friends. I never deny that, but Marais soldiers are not, and the people in the wall cannot accept Marais soldiers with their hands full of blood. So they have only to end up being eaten...

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