You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Today’s throne hall is also quite different from before. First, a huge long solid wood table was moved to the center of the hall. The throne is located at the upper end. The red carpet has been laid on the ground and the auditorium has been placed in the corner. The chair looks majestic and sacred. The first throne meeting announced to the outside world will be held here.Said it is the throne meeting, in fact, it means the confession of the spoils, the restoring faction, the investigative corps, the garrison corps, the gendarmerie corps and the presidential line, as well as the nobles who surrendered. The five forces will redistribute their interests here.

The Investigative Corps and the Restorationists are hard-core allies. The garrison of Pickex is a neutral attitude. The Gendarmerie and the President have long been united and can be counted as one party. They and the nobles are incompatible with each other, but they have their own small calculations.This means that inside the wall is not the utterance of the restoratives. If reforms are to be carried out, there will be huge resistance. If it is not because the wall cannot withstand internal friction, I will never tolerate such a situation, and no matter what I must do. The reforms continue, so that there is a future in the wall.

"Gavin!" Just as I was standing in the throne hall thinking, the door behind me was suddenly opened, and several people came in to say hello. I looked back and saw that Connie and others were excited. Waved to me, "Why did you come in?" My eyes widened in surprise. At this time, the Throne Hall should have been under martial law. The palace was guarded by Mark with the most elite soldiers of the Restorationists. They should not be able to enter. That's right, wait.Mark?I looked a little helplessly at the gray-haired girl in the ninth class. This daughter is too much!Shubada Novel Network

"We are qualified to be observers." Connie replied of course. "Plus, Mia's father is responsible for defense, so we were put in first." Mia stuck out her tongue at me, I was right. This can only helplessly shrugged, "Gavin, by the way, you look very majestic in this suit, it looks particularly imposing." Marco opened the mouth in a timely manner, changing the subject, "This seems to be a mink. Ah, it's expensive." Sasha touched the fur on the shoulder of my dress and said enviously, "And these buttons are actually made of gold and silver. This dress is very valuable." Thomas also agreed. Dao, I curled my lips in disdain: "If you like to turn around, I will give you a set. It will take half an hour to put on this thing. Whoever wants it, who wants it."

"Half an hour?! Is there such an exaggeration?" Allen said in disbelief, and lifted my collar to look at it, "It doesn't look like anything special." Pop!Mikasa unceremoniously slapped Alan's hand with a slap, and while helping me fix my collar, he said angrily: "You'll know if you look back and try!" Alan rubbed his hand and looked aggrieved. Looking at me with a bitter gaze, meaning "Why don't you care?" I smiled and stretched out my hand and pressed Mikasa's head: "Okay, don't be so fierce." Mikasa flattened her mouth immediately, and said no. Speaking again, then gave Alan a secret glance.

"Okay, go to the auditorium, they are coming soon, and you will not look good when you are standing here." I keenly heard the footsteps, and immediately spoke to the people in the first nine classes, they nodded and turned around. Walking to the gallery, Xistria nodded to me at the end before following the team.It is worth mentioning that after his father Rod Leis was caught, I ordered him to be placed under house arrest. Even if Zacray came to ask for it, he would not let him go, and he offered him delicious food and gave him a gift. Coming over, there is only one requirement for him-to continue the royal blood.After all, the royal bloodline is so special that everyone can see that it will be useful someday. Let Rohde work hard to add some younger brothers and sisters to Xistria. Anyway, he won't suffer...

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