You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Everyone naturally agreed with Eric's reform proposal. Everyone is not a fool. How can the winner not get the benefit?When there is no reform, how to deal with the attack by Marais with the fighting power inside the wall?The objection at this time is that the brain is caught by the door!However, everyone agrees with the reform, but it is necessary to discuss how to reform specifically. Everyone will promote the reform to change in their own interests. This is where selfishness lies, and selfishness cannot be avoided.

"First of all, we will reserve the monarchy and nobility system, but at the same time we will make adjustments." Eric said, everyone nodded, "Secondly, we will also make the following adjustments to the political system inside the wall-cancel the president The system and the House of Commons system were changed to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Parliamentary System, which is divided into the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Finance Minister, the Land Minister and the Marine Minister. The five ministers are elected by the cabinet, and the cabinet is elected by the parliament and is responsible for the parliament. Responsible. Does this reform resolution make any sense to everyone?" After discussing in a low voice for a few seconds, everyone shook their heads.

Zuckery originally wanted to object when he heard about the abolition of the president, but he quieted down immediately after hearing the rest.Seeing that there was no objection, Eric nodded, picked up the document and scanned it twice, and continued: "Very well, the candidates for the Five Phases are currently determined as-Prime Minister Darius-Zacre, Foreign Minister Gao Wen-A Kerman, Finance Minister Rose-Sedoff, Luxiang Dart-Pixis, Haixiang Lance-Flain. The number of cabinet members is tentatively set at 30, and the number of council members is tentatively set at 120. Major and minor affairs are voted on by voting. The aspect has not yet been determined, we will discuss it later."

"In national affairs, there are five parties and the cabinet to make resolutions. According to the vote, the five parties represent two votes. The parliament is responsible for reviewing the decisions of the cabinet. At the same time, the incident is graded A, B, C, D, E from the largest to the smallest. The D-level and lower councils can make their own decisions without reporting to the cabinet. The emperor can reject the decisions made by the council and the cabinet, but if the two parties agree with more than or two-thirds of the number of people, they can pass it again. This condition can also be used to reject the emperor Do you have any disagreements in this regard?" Eric asked after scanning the crowd, and no one objected.Literature 520

At first glance, it may seem unfair that the rejuvenators occupy the three phases among the five phases, but in fact, only the financial phase has power among the three phases.As for the foreign minister and the sea minister, Aldia’s only diplomatic battle is with the Marai fighters several times. There is no interest at all. Aldia’s navy is currently on the same scale as the Mongolian navy on earth. , Troops are only in dreams.In the eyes of most people present, these two positions are of little use.Restorationists love to take it. After all, they still don’t understand the meaning of the world very much. They don’t know how it will develop in the future, and I will not tell them stupidly.

Knowledge is power. They would not understand that the restoratives value not the present but the future.Parady Island lags behind the world for more than a hundred years. After establishing contacts with countries around the world, only the foreign minister is responsible for communication, and can decide on friendship, war, technological exchanges, etc. Needless to say, the power and benefits of this are not to mention the Haixiang. Same, has great development potential.There is still a lot of room for discussion between cabinet members and parliamentarians.A large part of the distribution of benefits is here, and everyone will not object.

"Now that everyone agrees, let's talk about the reform of the nobility next." Eric nodded and said, in this regard, the restorationists also have plans...

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