Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 438-Giant Potion Canonization

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!In addition to the internal affairs of the wall, there is another trouble waiting for us to solve outside the wall, that is, the existence of Jike, Reiner and others.After losing the giant and female giants, they certainly dare not go back so desperately. They will not be able to escape the fate of being eaten and surrendering their power, so they can only be the Greeks who guard the wall of Mary. Ganshina District took a gamble, striving to take away one or two of our giant's power holders, anyway, go back and have an explanation.In order to ensure the safety of the wall and increase the confidence of the people, we must retake the wall of Maria as soon as possible. There must be a battle between the two sides.

However, although I know the urgency of these things, I can’t spare the time to prepare. There are still a lot of things that have not been done at the throne meeting, and the canonization has not yet been carried out. For this reason, I can only arrange for others to prepare. I also gave special training to Allen and Ymir, but I was not relieved not to see it with my own eyes.We also seized more than a dozen bottles of potions after the settlement of Rod Leis, five bottles were written "Armor", three bottles were written "Weapon", and four bottles of giantization inhibitor.However, it is only effective when used in human form. It is effective for three hours, and it also has a debilitating effect.

According to Rod’s account, these things are secret weapons held by the royal family. King Fritz did not forget to bring them when he retreated to Parady Island. There should be no record or production of these things on the mainland. method.The armor liquid and the weapon liquid are made from the king’s blood mixed with the spinal liquid of the ancestor giant and some herbs. After confirming that these two things can be copied, we let Lance, Allen, Ymir and Yani use them. With them, the fighting power of all four of them soared, but what surprised me most was the production of inhibitors, whose main ingredient turned out to be Ackerman's blood!

Ackerman.That is, the Demon Hunter, who has something to do with the power of the giant, but the reason is unknown. The truth is still hidden in the layers of fog. It is really a headache. I can only temporarily put it aside. Pay attention to Alan and their changes.Both armor liquid and weapon liquid can permanently enhance the user's hardening ability. Listening to the name, you know that one strengthens the defense and the other strengthens the attack. The armor liquid can make the giant's whole body lignified, and the body will not disappear after being separated. It can also form a hardened armor for defense, just like the giant of armor, the weapon fluid allows the giant to condense hardened weapons. It is very strong, and it will automatically decompose if it is out of physical contact or if it is more than five meters in length. Both will be consumed. physical strength.

All kinds of wrangling took another two days, which is the result of my deliberately letting them speed up.During the period, a National Security Agency was established. It was composed of the Intelligence Department of the Restorationist and the Dark Arrow. It was subdivided into the Intelligence Department and the Operations Department. Rebrov served as the director and Yake served as the deputy director, directly responsible to the cabinet. It is to stabilize the wall to eliminate risks, and in the future will be responsible for spying on the intelligence of other countries. When this department was formed, more than half of the staff were opposed to it. It was a headache for everyone to agree to the formation after a long debate.

After that, the canonization took another day. Among them, I, Xu Jingkun, Lance, and Cistria were canonized as dukes, Mark and several restorative members were canonized as marquis, and the head of Irwin He was also canonized as an earl, and even Allen got the title of earl.Cistria was made a duke mainly because of her royal blood and compensation for her life experience, at least so that the restoration party would not owe her so much, and Alan was made an earl because of his father Grisha’s for the wall. contribution.Without him, there would be no current restorationists, and the current good situation would not appear in the wall...

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