You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After the next few days I was very moisturized, I trained Alan during the day, paid attention to material preparation and tactical arrangements, and had a "battle" with Mikasa in the evening. This is the benefit of the overthrow.As long as the victory of the Wall of Maria succeeds, there will be a long period of rest in the wall, and I can continue to live a moisturizing life, and prepare for the wedding with Mikasa. For such a good day, I must Try to defeat the enemy.

Two weeks after the end of the war between Yujik and others, after a series of coups, reforms and preparations inside the wall, the wall was ready to fight with Jike and other Marai fighters.This time, they will no longer be fighting with the army sent by the corrupt Wang Zheng, and there will be nothing commendable except for three-dimensional mobile devices. This time they will be fighting with giant spell cards, new artillery, airships and thunder guns. The Erdia Second Empire Investigation Corps, whose strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and three giants assisting in the battle, are bound to make them pay the price of blood for their evil deeds.

At the same time, there was good news from Xu Jingkun and Lance. One is that the special resource ice blasting stone in the wall is essentially a kind of magic crystallization. After contact with the giant spell card, a fusion reaction will occur. The fused giant spell card The duration can be up to five minutes!However, due to the low success rate of integration efficiency, it can only be used exclusively by elites.The second is that giant spell cards made from spinal fluid of people with different giant abilities will feed back different forms of giants, which is conducive to diversification of tactics.The third is that Lance has mastered the ability to speak in the form of a giant after contacting Histria, who has the blood of the Wang family, which is conducive to battlefield communication, and Alan... alas.

In this battle, there are 500 people from the investigation corps, three airships from the airship unit, and an artillery unit with 36 people and six new artillery from the National Defense Force (formerly the Garrison Regiment and Armed Forces), as well as me, Lance, The three Kenny non-staff members, the troops will set off from the elevator platform in the Troost District, go straight to the Higanshina District of the Wall of Mary, and retake what we have lost.Fat Cat Literature Network

Listening to the sound of the Wehrmacht’s artillery cleaning the giants on the wall, and looking at the crowds cheering us off in the Troost area, I can’t help feeling a deep sense of accomplishment. Now this scene has a lot of my credit. Yes, they are the testimony of what I have paid in return."Master Gawain, please take back the wall of Maria!" "Master Gawain, help us get rid of that Malai dog!" "Captain Elvin, please win!" "Come on investigating the Corps!" The shouts of the people came from below, making everyone in the investigative corps straighten their backs and look proud. You must know that before this they all belonged to a status that was despised or dismissed, and they had never been treated like this before. .

"Sure victory!" Irwin raised the blade high and loudly responded to the people. I also raised the blade and shouted: "Sure victory!!!" The cheers of the people became louder, amidst their cheers and blessings. , The three airships slowly arrived at the designated positions, and the gunfire of the cleaning giants stopped at the same time. "Report to the commander that the first detachment of the airship unit is in place, please instruct!" "Report to the commander that all the nearby giants have been cleaned up. set off!"

"Start the elevator platform, everyone is ready!" I immediately ordered, and Irwin pointed the blade of his right hand at the location of the Higanshina area of ​​the Wall of Maria: "I announce the 57th external investigation The battle to recapture the Wall of Maria is now starting! Give your heart to the empire, and the whole army will attack!" The elevator quickly placed personnel and materials outside the wall, the airship began to advance, and Irwin rode a white horse to the front. The soldiers leading the investigative corps, I was in an airship.After five years, I will finally return to Higanshina...

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