Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 470 False Information

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"It's really a ghost." Eric threw a stack of papers on the table, pressing his temple with a headache and said, "I haven't given any orders yet. These guys have already started to gather troops. Doesn’t the National Security Bureau exist? Zaclay, Augustus, and Picsis, all of them are not weak, but I don’t have any direct troops to mobilize. I saw that the second reform needs to be here. It’s a headache to get started."

"You do not have an army directly under your command as part of our compromise with them in the initial reform, but after this time we don't need to make a huge compromise with anyone." Xu Jingkun's voice suddenly came from Eric's left side. Turning to look around, he found nothing there, "I am invisible." Xu Jingkun explained, "Don't worry, I will guarantee your safety in a while." "I know." Eric nodded, "You said , Will Zaclay challenge me at the meeting for a while?" "He hasn't gotten all his hands yet, so he won't know how to do it in the open, but in the dark he will definitely do it." Xu Jingkun shrugged and said , "It doesn't matter, you just have to do a good show then."

After Lance and others arrived in the city, Eric ordered a meeting.Discuss sending people to rescue the investigation corps.Zaclay arrived first, then Augustus, and finally Picksis.The content of the meeting was lackluster, and rescue operations are definitely going to be carried out. Among other things, the attacking giants and giants of are enough to make the wall give everything to rescue, after all, the top combat power cannot be lost.In the first few minutes of the meeting, the candidate for the rescue team was determined, and it was decided to block the news from the people first, and then listen to Lance to explain the specific situation.

"...At the beginning, we planned to use the cannon to defeat the giant beast long-rangely, but we underestimated the distance of its throwing stones. After the first round of shelling was missed, it quickly counterattacked us, destroying ours in one shot. The artillery position, and then shot down the airship before our airship evacuated, causing us a heavy loss... Commander Irwin led some members of the investigative corps to charge towards the giant of the beast to attract its attention, and Commander Lewell used the giant People walked around to the giant of beasts to solve it, but only seven of the hundreds of people who participated in the charge came back alive..."536 Literature

"...The transformation of the super giant in the Higanshina district caused us the same huge casualties, more than 70 people were killed, more than 50 people were seriously injured...In the end, we defeated them, but only succeeded in leaving the super giant. The giant and the other two were rescued by the Cheli Giant, and we paid the heavy price of losing more than 200 people and losing important personnel such as Captain Irwin, Duke Gaowen, Duke Xu Jingkun, Captain Mick. Now The investigative corps has nearly half casualties, lost a large number of veterans, and lost the ability to return on their own. Please send support as soon as possible!" Lance wiped away his tears and narrated, with full performance.

Several people attending the meeting looked solemnly, "I am very sad for such a heavy loss." Eric said with a sad expression, "The rescue of the investigative corps must be carried out immediately, and no more unnecessary casualties can be added. The family members should also be properly settled. Regarding the people who died in this battle...we will not forget them." "Your Majesty, rest assured, the old man will go to the Wall of Roses to supervise the Troost area." Picksis said immediately, "On behalf of the nobles, I will fully support this matter." Augustus also nodded and said.

Zaclay took a deep breath, trying not to let people see his true emotions: "I will let people start preparing when I go back. The team can start from Hina's Wall tomorrow morning." Eric was "satisfied". nod…

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