You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The battle was over, and it ended unexpectedly. The enemy surrendered before all the follow-up methods I arranged. At this time, most of the rescue team had not rushed to the Wall of Roses, and the airship secretly transported the investigative corps. Haven't set off yet.However, the enemy team of more than 1,000 people now has only 600 people left, and more than one-third of the casualties. Barthou was stunned by the shells. The actual commander of the team died on the way leading the cavalry to charge. Zacley was stunned by the shells. It is not surprising that with their qualities, they surrendered after suffering such a blow.

The soldiers of the Wuli Clan of the Restoration faction were confiscating the weapons of the members of Zacrei's team and gathering them together. The process was surprisingly smooth. No one tried to resist or escape. They were obviously scared by machine guns.As for those who fled first, can they pass the airship no matter how fast they escape?And their deaths can be used to deter those who surrender, very effective.The Augustus team in the distance quickly sent a small group of people to come to us after watching and rioting for a while, and the person walking in the front with a cane was Augustus.

Although in the spirit of respecting the old and loving the young, I should take the initiative to greet Augustus, but this situation is definitely not the time to pay attention to this, but should speak in terms of status and status. I am both a Duke and I still With the identity of the Foreign Minister, Augustus should have paid me a respect anyway.Moreover, I brought the army king back and quickly countered the rebellion. The momentum was the same, but Augustus had a ghost in the early stage, and was suspected of improper imperialism. Only the last banner of the king of qin made him qualified to stand. Here, the judgment is made.

"Duke Gawain, I am glad to know that you have returned safely. It seems that everything is going well with the victory of the Wall of Mary." Augustus leaned slightly to me and said, I accepted him calmly and nodded in reply. "It is true that everything went well. The Giant Armor and the Super Giant were captured by Captain Irvine and Almin Arnold, respectively. The Giant Beast and the Cheli Giant were captured by us and moved some hands and feet and put them back. After that, we will secretly provide us with the necessary intelligence and technology, and support Marais not to fall so quickly, attract the attention of the world, and give us time to develop." 101 Chinese website

After hearing what I said, Augustus couldn’t help but froze for a while, then smiled and said, “This is really good news.” “It’s really good news.” I raised my eyebrows, “but let’s talk about it now. What happened inside the wall this time." "I deeply regret what Prime Minister Zaclay did. I also have some responsibility for the participation of those nobles in this matter." Augustus said immediately, very much. Resolutely, did not give me the opportunity to go further.

"Human greed is hard to control, Duke William, you are not to be blamed for this matter, but we should thank you for your loyal and diligent behavior." I simply stopped delving into it and gave Augustus a step down," you said Yes, Lord Gawain." Augustus nodded immediately, "Then what shall we do next? Shall we make Zacley’s actions public?" "No," I shook my head, "Now For the political stability that is needed in the wall, just try him here, and then push the matter to the Marai spy. We will wait a while, and His Majesty will come and do it himself."

"...Oh~ it's cheaper." Augustus said with a sigh after being silent for a few seconds. It is difficult to tell whether he really thinks this way or pure acting, but it doesn't matter. The current situation makes him obey us. , Will no longer try to rebel or hinder reform...

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