You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!It’s been three days since Anderson was gagged, put on his headgear, tied his hands and threw his hands on the bottom of the cabin, and the companions around him were treated in the same way. During this period, the Malays were treated twice a day except for being unbound by them and letting go Eat something and drink some water to avoid death and leave them alone.There is no hope of escape in the long darkness. The weapons on his body have long been sent and searched. Now Anderson can’t even get the rope tied to himself. He regrets that he didn’t learn some special skills from some special talents. , But the emotion stronger than regret is despair.

The long darkness, deathly silence, and the approaching death, these things combined are enough to make an ordinary person collapse, but it is not a big problem for a tough-willed black front high-level executive like Anderson. He has long been a similar situation. I have experienced it once, that time he was going to be sent to the front to become a giant, but the leader led a man to attack Marais transport team and rescued him, and he has since joined the black front.However, this time I am afraid that no one will come to rescue them. The secret base of the Black Front was raided. Most of the members were killed. The leader did not know the life or death, and his party was captured.

Years of hard work were almost destroyed by Marai’s raid. Eldia’s resistance forces were hit hard again, and they acted like their predecessors and failed. The hope of success seemed to have never appeared at the beginning. However, this is what makes Anderson the most desperate.His support against Marais over the years is nothing more than hatred. Oh, and as soon as it seemed that some hope appeared, it was quickly shattered, but at least he had avenged his parents, and he was worthy of their idea of ​​restoration.

The Black Front was originally formed spontaneously by the Eldias serving in the Malay army. The reason was that they were dissatisfied with the Malays’ concept of using them as cannon fodder. They tried to reverse this concept and let more people survive. The reason is that this organization eventually broke with Marais and mutated. Under the leadership of the commander Colonel Roger Weir, it was reorganized into a black front and embarked on the road of confrontation with Marais.At the beginning, only soldiers existed in the Black True Front, but later it gradually developed and expanded in the transportation team that continued to attack the Malay strongholds and ambush them, becoming the most powerful resistance organization in the Malay nation.Read novels every day

Now that the secret base of the Black Front was exposed due to the leak of news, and was raided by the Marais. At least half of the members died, but I don’t know what happened to the leader. As long as he is still on the Black Front, he will not perish and he will do his own line. Revenge... Anderson's thoughts were drifting away, but the sound of the door opening suddenly pulled him back to reality.At least a dozen Malays came in, and their commander, who was also the captain of the transport ship, said with a grinning smile: "Erdia's choppy, we are here, let's get ready to go!"

Anderson was roughly pulled from the ground by the two soldiers, and walked outside, his companions were also treated the same.Being escorted back to the land, walking to an unknown place amidst the laughter of the Marais soldiers, he was finally pressed to kneel on the ground, the headgear was suddenly lifted off, and the rag was also taken off. Anderson It took a long time to squint his eyes to adjust to the bright light. What greeted him was a desert, and he was kneeling on a high platform."Is this the so-called'paradise'?" Anderson muttered to himself.

Anderson turned his head and looked at his companions. There were a lot of twenty-three people. To the left of him stood a Marais officer with a syringe in his hand and smiled and said, "Hey, have some fun, just Let’s start with you first."...

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