Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 488: Harvest and the Sea

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!Bang!A green letter smoke bomb rushed into the sky, informing the large troops that they could come to the port, and all the Malays in the port had been confiscated with their guns, gathered together and squatting together, and the black front members cooperated with Kenny’s people to attack them. Watch over.This time the battle was quite rewarding. Not only did we obtain a lot of information and equipment but also captured a lot of prisoners, and the people of the Black Front were a surprise to us. Their presence means that we have taken the initiative to go. The way to look at the mainland is no longer unilaterally trusting Jike in terms of Malai’s intelligence and contacts. After all, he is not reliable in my opinion.

In my eyes, the people from the Black Front are the biggest gains from this trip. What is even more surprising is that a large part of them have been soldiers, all of whom have received systematic military training, and have rich military theory and practical experience. The National Defense Forces The instructor who has been in short supply now has it.However, in Lance’s eyes, the biggest gain from this trip is probably the three warships we seized from the Marais. After inspection, they were almost intact. It is precisely because of this that he is no longer a polished commander. Those three transport ships can only be regarded as an addition, Lance now only knows that watching the battleship drool.

"Saliva, it's a shame." I walked to Lance and patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Don't look, it's yours and you can't run away." "Hahaha." Lance smirked. He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and asked, "Gawain, with these three warships, can my naval force be formed?" "It's still early," I curled my lips." With the battleship, how about your soldiers? Can you sail? Can you use naval guns? Can you look at nautical charts? What did you build without you?"

"Uh~" Lance's smile suddenly stiffened on his face, and then he looked at me with a faint look, "Gawain, you have a way, right? I am not a good-looking sea-face!" "Those in the wall I have recruited more than forty sailors with inland steamboats for you. For specific manpower, you need to go to Eric to approve a note so that you can recruit people from all the troops. I can only help with personnel. That's it." I rolled my eyes and said, "But in my opinion, you should be paying attention to the captured Marais navy. Only they will sail the ship and repair them. Hurry up and try to instigate them." Net

Lance's eyes lit up and left, but I stayed where I was and continued to watch the sea (lazy). After a long time, after the large troops arrived, I replaced the people from the black front and arranged for them to rest. The investigation corps except for a few People stayed to be alert and everyone else was allowed to move freely by the head of Irvine. After all, everyone saw the sea for the first time.

"This is the sea!" On the beach, Amin leaned over and picked up a small piece of seawater from the sea and said with emotion, "Gawain, Allen, Mikasa, look at it, just as I said. That way, the sea is boundless and vast, and the salt in the sea is inexhaustible." "I never doubted what you said, Amin." I smiled and answered, and Mikasa gave a soft hum. , Took off his shoes and socks and was trying to let the sea water cover his feet, but Alan stood quietly in the sea without answering, looking at the opposite side of the sea with a complicated expression, "Allen?" Suspiciously called him again.

Allen's eyes moved, and it took a long time to speak in an extremely vicissitudes of voice: "I used to be because there is freedom outside the wall, and the opposite of the sea is the good life I long for, but I did not expect to find myself after leaving the shackles of the wall. He is still in a larger cage, and the other side of the sea is the enemy." He paused here, and pointed his finger at the opposite side of the sea: "Gaowen, Amin, you said if you put the other side of the sea If all of our enemies are killed, are we truly free?"...

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