Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 493: Meeting Preparation

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!There were still more than twenty minutes to leave the meeting. When I walked into the tent that was going to serve as a meeting room, I found that Irwin was eating crabs with several elite class monitors of the Investigative Corps. My first reaction was that I went to the wrong tent. After confirming that he did not go wrong, he said in a little surprise: "How many crabs did Xu Jingkun catch? How do I think everyone has one on the way." "To be exact, he found it." Irwin picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth and replied, returning to his usual seriousness, "There is a shopping mall 500 meters to the left of the high platform, where there are crabs everywhere. After Xu Jingkun said that they are edible and taste good, I organized a man to take them. Going to catch crabs, it tastes really good now."

"You take them to catch?!" My chin almost fell to the ground, feeling that the leader of Elvin's team collapsed on the ground, so serious and ruthless in planning, the team leader would take people to catch crabs?!He was pierced by a human soul?"Is there anything weird? Appropriate leisure activities are good for regulating emotions. When I was trapped inside the wall, I would often take everyone to outings outside of training without investigating outside the wall, which can effectively reduce psychological pressure. "Irvin said sternly.

"Uh~" I opened my mouth, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, Captain Elvin was also a flesh and blood person, not a cold steel machine. He would also be happy, angry, and tired. It’s no big deal to relax occasionally. I made a fuss.And in contrast, I am very insecure. When people work, I fish, and when people fish, I also fish. I make a fuss about people's occasional relaxation behavior, and suddenly feel a sense of lack of self-confidence.

"...Okay," I nodded, feeling very embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject forcibly, "By the way, you should quickly clear the crab shells. If you let the guests of the Black Front see it, it would be shameful." "Said. Yes." Irvine was also a little embarrassed, and immediately began to greet his men to clean up the garbage, and at the same time did not forget to explain to me, "The Investigative Corps hasn't received many guests, so I don’t have much experience, and Liwill is not there, otherwise. He would definitely..." "What?" At this moment Lewell opened the curtain and walked in, and asked, "No more crabbing with Petra?" Irwin joked.Starting Point Novel Network

"Hahaha!" The squad leader suddenly laughed, and the awkward atmosphere in the tent dissipated immediately, while Lewell's face turned dark, and after a little movement of his wrists, he stepped towards Irvine, "Inherited. After the giant of armor, your recovery ability has risen in a straight line. If I interrupt your leg, it will be possible to grow in ten minutes, okay, Irvine!” Levi’s tone in the last three words is particularly emphasized. , Irvine's eyes twitched without a trace, and decisively chose to quietly shut up, while all the elite class monitors present pretended not to see it.

"Ahem, let's clean it up quickly, they are estimated to be coming." I stepped forward and said helplessly, and started to round the field. It should be cool to let them ridicule like this.This sentence really succeeded in diverting Lewell’s attention. After scanning the surrounding environment, he frowned and immediately joined the cleaning ranks, and we settled everything before entering the tent representing the black front. , And successfully dissipated the smell.

Five minutes before the start of the meeting, all the participants were present. The representatives of the Black Front were Anderson Hundt and Lauren Seif. Their image and mental outlook were much better than before, and they were no longer so haggard and weak. Now, you can talk to us...

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