You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!"The people on the black front can be allowed to give military guidance to the army, but in terms of thinking, our people must follow the written textbooks to ensure that they will not be influenced by the people on the black front. These people are responsible. The people who train will use me personally and as a seed to train more people, and then arrange to enter the army after graduation. The title is called the political commissar." I took the lead and said, "Because the political commissar will enter the army later than the black front. , So the first group of people who were handed over to the guidance of the Black Front were drawn from the former members of the reinstatement in the army, at least they are reliable."

"I don't quite understand, isn't the black front on our side now? Why do you want to guard against them like this?" Mick frowned and asked with some dissatisfaction, "In my opinion, they and Marais have insoluble hatred. Based on this, we should be able to trust them." "It is not them that I defend, but their thoughts and their hatred." I sighed and explained helplessly, "Hate has blinded their eyes. In terms of Malais, they can’t take it sensibly. They hate the entire Malais group. Even women and children will not hesitate to start, because in their opinion, the Malais are enemies. This kind of blind hatred It is very dangerous to spread in the army."

"We can't defeat the whole world, so we must treat hatred wisely and not be affected by them, or control their influence on the military's thinking." Xu Jingkun said, "If we use brutal revenge against Marais What do other countries think? They will definitely worry that they will become the next Marais. Faced with fear, people will either succumb or resist. They have resisted once and succeeded, so what will they do next? It goes without saying. At that time, we will be under siege from the whole world. You definitely don't want to face this situation." Book of Fate

"The key is that blind hatred will also turn our military members into extremists and terrorists, and even embark on the road of **** and become fanatical warriors. These will not end well, and Practice has long proved that these roads are wrong. Therefore, for the real rise of the empire, we must manage the thinking of the army." I continued, with a serious expression, "We will not forget hatred, but we will not kill innocent people. , This is the main body of thought of the army in the future, do you have any objections?" Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and then shook their heads together.

"Then, next we should discuss the issue of port garrison." Irvine calmly opened the mouth, and moved the meeting to the next topic. "The Malays will definitely come again, and if we master the port, we will master it. The initiative retains the possibility of taking the initiative. Although we do not have the ability to take the initiative for the time being, there will be some in the future, so the port must not give up. However, we cannot keep a large number of people here, otherwise the logistics will It’s difficult to support, so I recommend changing defenses and arranging a small number of troops to take turns.

"...With the giants we have mastered as our main force, we will capture a warship when Malai sends a warship, and use the port as a bridgehead for us to fight against Malai...Select highly knowledgeable personnel from the Malai prisoners, They compile scientific and technological textbooks...Imitate their weapons and equipment, and try to keep up with their level of equipment..." All opinions were put forward in the meeting, and the future development direction within the wall was quickly determined. The next step is to follow the plan. Implemented and promoted the rapid development of the military inside the wall...

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