You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!"Mr. Ackerman, with all due respect, it is impossible for us to train such a group of teams together. Forced integration will only cause a waste of resources." After all the tests were completed, Anderson walked in front of me quite a bit. Said helplessly, "The former have a good combat base, combat literacy and combat awareness are very good, as long as a little more training can become a qualified soldier, let them serve as seed troops and instructors can effectively expand. The size of the troop, and the strength of such a troop is not low, and it can be a complete troop with supplementary training."

"But the latter part is a complete rookie. In our terms, it is called cannon fodder. It is used to consume the enemy's resources and physical strength, as long as they can shoot. They may be considered elite in other aspects, but In this regard, I can only call them cannon fodder. Compared with the previous group, it is a far cry." Anderson said that Keith and the others had a very unsightly face, but they had to admit that what the other party said was not unreasonable. , It's just that I'm not convinced by the strength of everyone on the black front, and I always want to test one or two.

"Then how is your strength?!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Anderson turned his head and saw that a member of the instructor team was looking at him without fear, his eyes full of provocation."Let's do it." Anderson smiled disdainfully, knowing that it's time for Liwei, "We have prepared paintballs and dug trenches here. Both sides have battle positions. We have 24 people, you You can also pick twenty-four guns from your team to shoot well, each with a machine gun and twenty-three rifles, and fight here until one is judged to be killed. We will not bully you, the position It's up to you to choose." Chinese website

"Okay! Let us see the strength of the black front!" Keith said immediately. The most depressed person in the court just now was him. After all, the investigation corps is his old unit, and the instructor team is his new team, but The previous appearances of the two were embarrassing. Now that he has a chance to find some face, he naturally has to take it well.It’s not difficult to find out more than 20 guns well among so many people. In less than five minutes, Keith selected the team, geared up and ready to fight the black front. I sighed silently and brought Others withdrew from the field, already foreseeing the crushing one-sidedness later.

A good gun does not mean that you can fight a war, but a gun that can fight must fight well.Keith obviously hasn’t understood this, and he doesn’t know what a real war is. I didn’t stop this contest because of the idea of ​​keeping Keith’s memory. After all, this can help Keith learn something. , Good for him.Of course Keith still doesn't know what I'm thinking, he has already led people into the position and is ready to start.

"If you are hit by a paintball, you will be eliminated!" After Anderson called out the rules, the confrontation between the two sides began, and then the crushing began.The people on the black front used a few fake moves to slightly lure Keith’s machine guns to expose the target continuously. They didn’t know whether to fire or transfer. After a bullet chain was finished, the machine gunner of Keith’s position was shot by the opponent’s machine gunner. A single shot was eliminated, and the four guards on the machine gun position were also swept down by the way, and then other talents shot to solve the target.

If you don’t know how to hide in the cat's waist, you can’t run with the "Z" character. The people on the black front solved the opponent like a target. Except for Keith's good luck and quick eyesight and quick hands to eliminate the enemy, no one has achieved a result. Fourteen killed, Keith's expression is quite wonderful, and everyone on the black front is full of spirits...

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