You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!"Your Excellency Anderson, the battle drill just now was very interesting. I don't know if you can compete with my people again, just exercise." I took the initiative to speak, "Oh?" To my approach, Anderson appeared There were some accidents. I originally thought that Liwei could be over in one go, but I didn't expect me to take the initiative to challenge. If I win, it's okay, but if I lose, the scene will be very ugly."Mr. Ackerman, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to do what you want. My man was physically exhausted in the exercise just now. It is estimated that he will have to rest for a while." Anderson immediately refused.

"It's okay, you can rest for a while, we can wait." I replied, feeling a little helpless-in order to stimulate confidence in the wall against Marais, the Investigation Corps and other troops have been promoted as invincible models. , Even they themselves gradually think so, and this kind of thinking can be slowly reformed but cannot be destroyed, so I have to win a game anyway, otherwise it will be very troublesome.I actually don't want to have to compete with the other side like a rogue, and I still use my personal strength to lead the whole team to win this shameless foul.

It’s just that I understand in my heart the twists and turns around Anderson but I don’t understand. After seeing that I have to compare with them no matter what, his face suddenly changed a bit, and he responded with a smile but a smile: "Well, now that Your Excellency sincerely wants to have a try, then we have to be respectful instead." I nodded with a wry smile: "Gawain, and the team from Keith just now... come with me." Twenty-four people quickly gathered. , Anderson's side is also ready.

If you want to win the game at an overall disadvantage, you must give full play to my strengths, running fast, powerful, and powerful dynamic vision that can capture the trajectory of bullets. Therefore, our tactics are also very simple: "Others Guarding the position, I took the machine gun all the way to the opponent’s position and then slammed them all the way.” After I decided on the plan, I couldn’t help sighing. This is what a mess of battle drills. If it wasn't necessary to fight, I would have left directly, so no matter how many times I won, the opponent would not accept it.536 Literature

Bang!A green letter smoke bomb rushed into the sky, announcing the start of the drill to the two parties participating in the war. I curled my lips, picked up the machine gun and rushed out immediately, bang!boom!Two bullets flew quickly, and I changed directions easily. "What the hell?!" The people on the opposite black front were surprised and commotion. The machine gunner quickly opened fire, but the trajectory of the bullets had already been completely taken by me. Locking naturally made it easy to dodge, but at this moment, the fire suddenly flashed on our square, and the machine gunner touched his forehead in surprise and stopped shooting.

"Huh?" The sudden situation made me stunned for a while, and then immediately seized the opportunity to jump forward more than ten meters, and then hit the ground with a gun. I was lucky enough to successfully eliminate the two."Damn!" Anderson responded quickly, pushing away the eliminated machine gunner and preparing to take over his position and continue to suppress firepower, bang!Anderson's movements froze in the air, he raised his hand in disbelief and touched his forehead, muttering to himself: "When did they have a sniper?" The people on the black front also looked surprised.

I looked back in surprise, and my extraordinary eyesight glanced among the people on the battlefield, "Sasha?!" I cried out somewhat surprised and unexpectedly. In the previous target test, she was within two hundred meters. The target has all ten rings. It's not surprising that such shooting talent can achieve this record...

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