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Jike Yeager.People who heard this name couldn't help frowning. This manly figure was full of blood and debts inside the wall. Members of the three previous regiments had died in his hands, and he had also made Lagakou In the village tragedy, Connie’s mother was turned into an innocent giant. It’s strange that everyone can have good senses for such a guy.Although it was also because of him that we met with the so-called Volunteer Army, and the Shields nation established contact and gained many benefits from it, who knows what kind of conspiracy he did in doing so, everyone is very wary of this.

"It is necessary for me to tell you that it was on the condition of arranging this meeting, and we agreed to a request from the other party." Qi Youmi said. Eric immediately narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "What conditions?" "Previously declare that if this so-called request is harmful to us, then we will not recognize it." I said blankly, and be responsible for being a wicked person. "If we help him restore Eldia, we will be able to master it. It is his proposal to restore the once-declined country to the prosperous and powerful industries of the great power." Qi Youmi said with a smile, and the showdown began.

"Although there is no investigation into the number of buried, but if what he said is true, then in this modern era, the underground will be buried with more precious resources than gold and silver jewelry." Qi Youmi laughed. Dao, even left her saliva, "No, no, this has nothing to do with our consortium's intention to expand our business. Oh, I made you laugh. I'm really sorry." "Master Qi Youmi, use this." The entourage delivered immediately. We put on a handkerchief, and we all turned a blind eye to her gaffe, we were all thinking about what she just said, and then we have to negotiate concretely.

"So, what is the deal between you and Jike Yeagen?" Eric asked suddenly, and Qi Youmi wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and his face was calm again. "You know, Jike Yeager. Geer argued that she has a secret countermeasure, and the secret countermeasure to save the Eldia and the world requires the intervention of the Shields nation." She said sternly, "That is the three necessary to protect this island through the "Ming of Earth". One of the processes, the first is to conduct an experimental test of the ground sound, to show a part of the power to let the world see the destructive power of the ground sound..." Several stacks of plans are placed in front of us.

The four characters of "Diming Project" were written on the plan. Everyone in the wall picked up the plan and started to read it. At the same time, they continued to listen to Qi Youmi's narration: "...The second is the intervention of the Shields country. The purpose is to raise the island’s military strength to the world level, so that the future will no longer need to "ground sound." The introduction of the latest weapons is not very difficult, but to build a modern army must first have a strong foundation of national power , Education, economic strength, diplomatic strength, and population. This island has been isolated from the world for about 100 years. There is no time to catch up with it for 100 years, but it will take at least 50 years to be enough.” Everyone looked surprised. .

"That is to say, in order to protect this island, the'Earth Ming' must maintain its operation during the past 50 years. The holders of the ancestral giants and the holders of the giants who inherit the lineage of the king must allow these two people to continue to exist. This is The third process. Jike said that those who inherit the lineage of the royal family should inherit the giant of the beast, and those who inherit the lineage of the royal family must reproduce as much as possible before the end of the thirteen-year term.” Qi Youmi said, “This is the Diming Project. , It should be the only way to make Eldia rise again."

All the high-levels inside the wall were silent, and some people subconsciously cast their gazes on Xistria...

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