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"Getting a disguise on the special freighter and sneaking into Marais, this plan is really bold." In the cabin, Amin was sighing, all members of the Gaowen class gathered in a circle and chatted with each other. Go there to taste authentic Malay cuisine." Sasha said with a look of yearning, "No." Mikasa immediately retorted, "We need to understand the world and investigate the facts to make sense." "In the end, it is necessary to ask others to help." Let sigh.

"Uh~what should I bring? If you have diarrhea, it will be bad." Connie leaned against the wall and continued Sasha's topic, "Stomach medicine and toothbrush... bring something that smells like home." Sha Xia broke her fingers and said, "I heard Anderson say there are famous wines there to taste." There was some expectation on Jean's face. When the topic of Sasha and Connie was cited, the little melancholy he had just thrown away."Are you listening just now?" Mikasa said helplessly.

"Fortunately, Eldia is the official language. I heard that it can be spoken in many countries." Amin finally brought the topic back, "but you need to pay attention to the emphasis and text."

"The Eldia Empire back then was the overlord of the world, with power spread all over the world. While bringing war and plunder, it also spread the culture of Eldia to all parts of the world, the most important of which was the language of Eldia. . And Marais has just become the overlord of the world for one hundred years, and it can’t reverse the influence of Eldia, and its language has long been obliterated by Eldia, so the lingua franca of today’s world is Eldia. Not surprising." I interjected.

"But those are all bad past. The purpose of our trip is to express goodwill to the countries of the world as much as possible." Amin responded, "If the countries of the world know that we actually want peace, we may be able to change something." "That's your dovish idea. We can't make peace with Marais in the first place." Ymir said with his arms folded in disdain. "We can only be at peace when Marais are destroyed by war, right?"

"Gawain?" Amin and the members of the dovish class in Gawain's class suddenly turned their heads to look at me, "Ymir makes sense." I spread my hands, "Aldia and Marais can only There is one. Maybe you don’t know it. With the help of Shields, we completed all the infrastructure construction in the wall, carried out comprehensive advancement in education, medical care, and social welfare, and also completed a series of military expansion plans. , But these are not gratuitous. We have a huge trade deficit in every transaction with the Shields Country, and Aldia is already in debt."

"But what does it have to do with whether we are going to war with Marais?" Connie scratched his head and asked inexplicably, while Amin frowned and said nothing. "Because we have been in for at least ten years. We can’t pay off the money anymore. The interest on the debt alone makes us choked. During this period of time, a little effort from Shields is enough to cause severe damage to our society and the economy to regress back to the era of royal politics." Said solemnly, "To solve this problem, if the Shields country is not allowed to grasp our fate, we can only start a war and use the war to transfer economic pressure."

"This is the main purpose of the Shields country. They don't want Marais to exist and they don't want to leave the game personally, so they figured out a way to let us play, win their blood, and lose them even if they lose." I smiled bitterly. "I can see through their plan, but I can't stop them, because Aldia's development cannot be slowed down. This is a shame. Now we have only two paths in front of us, one is to grit our teeth and work hard to pay off the debt and slow down. The speed of development; the other is to start a war against Marais, and use the benefits taken from Marais to break the situation."...

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