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Two armed clippers harassed, the transport battleship flanked left and right, and the other two clippers cut off the opponent’s back path. The flagship frigate was used as the flagship. Even a layman of naval warfare can see that this tactic is completely conservative , To clean more and weak against the strong enemy, so that it is a problem not to win.There was no suspense at all in this battle. After the first two armed clippers rushed to their vicinity and fired a shot in front of them, the two freighters immediately hung the white flag, and the battle did not exceed two from the beginning to the end. minute.

The anticlimactic battle disappointed many operatives who were preparing to watch the excitement, but the naval soldiers were greatly relieved. After all, this was their first actual combat, and it would be very troublesome if the opponent was too strong.The next step is the looting. All the soldiers who boarded the ship put on their headgear and acted in strict accordance with the confidentiality regulations. It is forbidden to disclose all information that may reveal the identity and the existence of Paraty Island, and then began to search for all the high value on the merchant ship. Items, especially Marais currency, the gold dollar, of course, all seizures must go to the public.

It has to be said that the looting of this unprofitable business really made money. After the two merchant ships were swept and evacuated, the trophies were counted and found that the harvest of this operation was converted into Malai's gold dollars as nearly 500,000!According to the exchange rate between the mark and the gold dollar, it is six to one, which means that we have made nearly three million marks in one operation. I feel that if the luck has been so good in the future, we can use it as a pirate to repay the national debt.

In the next half month, our pretended pirate fleet wandered around on the sea and ran into six waves of merchant ships, all of which were wiped out by us, and the harvest amounted to more than 20 million marks. Everyone who learned of this was crazy. Finance Minister Ross even proposed to standardize this action and make it permanent, but I finally rejected it.The pirates didn’t work for a long time. During this period, the Marais navy attacked us once, but we ran away. After the fame spreads, Marais will definitely carry out a larger scale against us. Encirclement and suppression, it is better to receive insurance if you see it well.

If it were normal pirates, they would certainly not move out so frequently like us. Most of them just grab a vote and they can get away with it for a long time, and they also sell stolen goods. It can’t be that fast, but we are different. We have a whole country behind us. The support of this includes all our logistics and the follow-up of the raid, and the two are naturally incomparable.During the period, the fleet returned to the port for two rests, replacing and replenishing the sailors and the materials on the ship, which allowed the entire navy to more or less accumulate some experience. At the same time, our team also added one person-Kenny Ackerman.

After wandering for twenty days, our fleet finally found a special freighter flying the Malai flag. As Anderson said, it also hung the double sickle flag of the foreign legion under the Malai golden ring pike flag, symbolizing death. The sickle reaps everything, the difference is that there is a frigate escorted by the special freighter, which is a bit troublesome.

"This is different from intelligence." Lance rubbed his face, a little dumbfounded, "Why are there more frigates? Anderson, what's the situation?" "I think this must have nothing to do with our looting during this time. "Anderson curled his lips,"...Damn! I knew...Forget it, even if I knew I would do it." Lance felt a bit of a toothache, "So now it seems that we are going to have a fight with Marais navy. Up."

"Special cargo ships don't have much oil and water and are hard bones. Normal pirates will definitely not run into it. You are too obvious." I immediately denied, "Well, you organize a fleet of feint attacks. ."...

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