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"The most famous attraction of Newarkton City is the statue of the hero Horos. He is the hero who led us to defeat the giants and overthrow the brutal rule of the Eldia Empire." Santos introduced with a look of yearning, "Second. The famous attraction is the war bell built more than a hundred years ago. Every time there is a battle in Marais, there will be a special person to ring the war bell to see off the soldiers on the expedition, which symbolizes the protection of the heroes of the previous fighters. Mr. Rommel Madam, the first division of Marais will end its rest tomorrow morning and head to the front line. At that time, the war bell will be ringed to see them off. If you need it, I can help you find a good place to watch the ceremony, but the price will be slightly lower. Some are expensive."

"The third most famous attraction is... The fourth most famous attraction is..." Santos talked without interruption as soon as he opened his mouth, and his level of guide seems to be really good. It seems that he is not familiar with this place. It is indeed a wise choice to find a guide who is familiar with everything. It should be much more convenient for us to do some things with him. In my opinion, the cost of fifteen gold a day is definitely worth the money, and we also There is no shortage of money.

"Okay, Santos, let's stop for now." Just as Santos was eager to continue speaking, I suddenly interrupted him, and Santos immediately closed his mouth, looking very nervous: "What's wrong, sir. ? Is there anything I said wrong?"

"No, Santos, what you said is good." I smiled and shook my head, pressed Santos's head and said, "You introduced them very well, but we are not dressed very well now, so we plan to change it first. Get a set of clothes and then go for a drink and rest before visiting. Santos, tell us where the best tailor shop is."

Santos froze for a while, then came back to his senses, with a smile on his face: "Okay, sir, please allow me to recommend the Fabad Tailor Shop on 15th Street, which is the best in Newarkton. Good tailor shop, I can assure you that the clothes and tailors there will definitely satisfy you."

Under the leadership of Santos, we went to the hire shop and hired a carriage and rushed to the Fabad tailor shop he said. With his help, we did save a lot of effort, considering that in the next operation There must be an indispensable place for him. I secretly decided to draw him in next, even if it can't develop into a dark line, at least let him be biased towards us and have a good relationship.

After traveling for a while, the carriage arrived at the destination. After paying the fare and tip, I let the coachman drive away in the carriage, and then began to look at the so-called best tailor shop in Newarkton in front of me-the facade All the structures are in navy blue, and there is no second color except for the dark golden signboard. It doesn't look like an ordinary place, and it has a noble feeling from top to bottom.I squinted my eyes, my first impression of this store was good, and after a short pause, I opened the door and walked in.

Dinglingling!The door was pushed so that the bell behind the door frame shook, and a sweet sound was made to inform the owner of the arrival of a guest, a middle-aged man wearing a tuxedo butler.When I entered the door, I stepped forward to greet me. I looked up and down and then at the Mikasa who came in. Then he leaned slightly and said politely, "This gentleman, and this beautiful lady, here is Fibbard Tailor, can I help you?"

His words have two meanings-if you are looking for a tailor's shop, then you are in the right place, if not, you can't afford it here...

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