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Mikasa carefully looked at me up and down, and after he helped me adjust the collar, he said, "It's pretty good." I reached out and pulled a strand of her hair behind my ears, and praised: "You are like this. She also looks very beautiful." Mikasa's face blushed slightly, and she lowered her head without speaking. I hadn't noticed that she blushed so easily before, "Mr. Huicheng 297,000 gold yuan." At this moment, Zheng Anne, who kept the account, suddenly spoke impolitely and interrupted the conversation between me and Mikasa. John also turned her head to us. Anne’s behavior must have been instructed by him. The next step is to see if we are truly extraordinary or come to bluff. Up.

"Wait a minute." I waved my hand and turned to look at Santos, who was still standing at the door waiting. "Help me prepare a piece of clothing for this little gentleman. I don't hope that others will feel that because of my guide. I'm very rude." John froze for a while, and then smiled: "Mr. Rommel, you are such a generous person." "Santos, come here." I beckoned to Santos, and did not answer John's words. John still keeps a smile on this. If my behavior is not extremely strong, it is really emboldened. He must maintain respect.

"Sir, are you really going to send me a set of clothes?" Santos trot over and asked nervously and expectantly. Some could not believe that such a good thing would fall on him, "Yes, Santos." I Nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed Santos' head, "At the same time, I hope I can hire you for a long time. What do you think of the salary of 1,000 yuan a month?" "This is my honor, sir!" Santos answered quickly. Tao, as if afraid that I would regret it.

"Then it's settled." Well, I snapped my fingers and turned to look at John. "Mr. Fybald, please take him to pick clothes. Besides, it is not convenient for me to use checks now, I think you shouldn't mind. Shall I pay in cash?" "Of course there is no problem, sir." John nodded respectfully, "Mr. Santos, please." Santos happily went to change clothes at my instruction. Mikasa and I were in Annie. Under the watchful eyes, I started to take money out of the bag. The amount was all 500 yuan, the highest face value of Malai, so it was not too much. The six of us had a total of 3 million yuan in funding for this operation, and I spent most of my money in one go. .

"It seems that I have to find a way to make some money next. At least I have to make up a part of the operation funds used to buy clothes." I whispered in a voice that only I could hear, "If Lance knew If I used a large amount of money to buy clothes, I would definitely kill me." I spent nearly 300,000 gold just to buy a few sets of clothes. In Lance's opinion, most of them can only do this if they have a brainstorm. , After all, none of them are greedy people.

After waiting for a few minutes, John took Santos and changed his clothes. The price was more than 1,000 gold, which shocked Santos. I was refreshed with 300,000 gold and left the rest as a tip. At the tailor shop, I will come again in a month to pick up custom-made clothes, or I will ask Santos to tell the address for them to deliver the clothes.The next step is to go to the bar, maybe I can get some news I want in the bar.

I played with the steel civilization stick in my hand and put on my hat before I walked out of the Fabad tailor shop. Mikasa held my hand on the side, Santos trot to call the carriage, and John took us with a polite smile. Delivered to the door is really a treat for capitalists.But everything I have now is won by my own strength, and I feel comfortable enjoying it.After the carriage picked us up, it drove to the tavern, "Slowlin Tavern" is just an ordinary tavern, it is convenient for me to check the news...

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