Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 537 War Situation (2)

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"Isn’t Marais already conscripted on the eastern front? Why do you still say that the battle is unclear?" I asked with a frown, and Mikasa held my hand under the table. Her hand was a bit cold, most of it was tragic. The battlefield data is shocked, "The Middle East coalition forces are only inferior to Marais in terms of giant power, and they are still victorious in other aspects. They suffered a loss this time only because of the lack of local troops. Waiting for their delays to increase their troops cannot be underestimated. ." Justin shrugged.

"At present, both sides of the eastern front battlefield are still in a state of anxiety. There is no force that can be put into the battlefield to determine the final word. The only place that can be called a breakthrough is the key town of Wuli. It was built by Marais with great efforts. It is a major military town located in the critical area of ​​Sander. At the beginning of the war, it fell into the hands of the Middle East coalition forces. As long as the defense line of the Middle East coalition forces in the Sander area is cut off, they can only withdraw from Sander. Sander loses the coalition forces. It can only shift from a strategic offensive to a strategic stalemate, so the importance of the important town of Wuli is self-evident."

"Five days ago, the Malais organized 30,000 men to attack the important town of Uli in two directions. At the same time, other areas also launched attacks to drag the coalition forces, but Suharit sent troops to set up an ambush in the important town and defeated it all the way. The Malay army suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat ten kilometers to reorganize the front. It is impossible to launch a second large-scale offensive in a short time. It is estimated that the military will not be until the arrival of the next batch of western troops. Organizing the next round of offensive, now it depends on which of them and the coalition's reinforcements arrives sooner, whoever arrives first gets the strategic initiative."

Justin said with a serious face that he was very strict in dealing with intelligence."These things are not like an intelligence dealer can analyze based on intelligence." I looked at Justin, "Hey, these are bought from the military, I have some ways there." Justin waved his hand nonchalantly. Thanks to the corrupt bureaucrats of the army, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy almost anything you want in the army. If you need it, I..." Justin halfway through the conversation suddenly remembered his current situation and smiled awkwardly. I stopped talking after I got down.

I moved my lips, I wanted to say something but I didn’t know how to say it. Justin, the guy’s ability seemed to be outstanding. If you help him, you will definitely gain a lot, but I’m not sure what the Federation is, and I How can I help him.

When I was silent, Mikasa asked again: "Have you considered asking the government for help?" "That's really useful. It can help me not to be killed by the Federation, but I will be sent to court by them later and sentenced. Hanged and then hanged on the central square." Justin replied with a wry smile, "The charge is estimated to be'deliberately leaking state secrets'. It is never merciful to an intelligence trafficker government like me."

"Is that so..." Mikasa's.Before she finished speaking, a few bastard-looking guys who walked in from the outside interrupted her: "Oh yeah, you are hiding here, Justin, it is really easy for us to find the Federation!" I heard from the Federation. After the name, the faces of the few guests in the pub suddenly changed, and they hurriedly checked out. Soon there were only me, Mikasa, Justin, the brawny bartender and the six members of the federation in the pub. Justin was light. He sighed, drank the rest of the wine in one breath, and leaned back in the chair without speaking.

The bully smiled triumphantly and walked towards Justin. The last one walked shut the door. The strong bartender sighed and did not speak. He lowered his head and busy with other things and chose to keep his eyes out. Santos hid in the corner and did not speak, but was always there. His eyes motioned me to leave as soon as possible.

"Come with us, Justin, the boss wants to see you." The headed gangster said, I curled my lips secretly, taking the gangster as the bottom person. It seems that the so-called federation is just a powerful gangster composed of gangsters. It seems that it’s not impossible for Justin to be an enemy...

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