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"Come with them Justin. If you have any hope, don't give up." The brawny bartender on the side suddenly said, let us turn our attention to him, "I will pay for the damaged items." I Nodding to the brawny bartender, "You don't need to pay for it, sir." He waved his hand and turned to look at the six gangsters who fell on the ground. "Those who lose need compensation. I will drain every drop of oil and water on them. of."

"Oh? Are you not afraid of revenge from the Federation behind them?" I raised my eyebrows and asked with some curiosity. The strong man walked out of the bar silently, bent over and lifted his left trouser leg to reveal the cold metal prosthetic leg. Proudly said, "I am the Federation of the Marais Veterans Association. No matter how arrogant those guys are on our side, they must behave well, otherwise they are fighting the military and they will not end well." Why didn't you catch Justin and send it to the army?" I asked Justin with a thumbs up and smiled behind me.

"Justin, this guy is my childhood friend, and he didn't take care of me less when buying military intelligence." The strong man was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth and replied, "What about the army, I'm not going to support a family, if not, I can't help. I must have helped Justin’s words." "Haha." I chuckled twice, feeling that this guy was also funny, "What's your name?" "Asma Slolin, sir." The strong man replied. , I stretched out my hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Then Asma, I will take Justin away. You can clean up the situation here. Don't worry, I will not treat him badly."

"Sir, where are we going?" Santos promptly called the carriage and asked, "Let’s go find a hotel." While sending out a signal to Lewell and others in the spirit link, I responded and stepped up. carriage.Now that you have decided to fight against the Federation, let's call up the manpower first. Although in my opinion, this group of ground snakes is not a big deal, we six demon hunters can pull out one of them and take a little effort to kill them. The leader of the confederation caused chaos, but the lion fights the rabbit with all their strength. It is better to act together to be safe.

"Introduce myself, my name is Erwin Rommel, this is my wife Jenny, and he is our guide Santos." On the carriage, I smiled and stretched out my hand to Justin, who was a little uncomfortable with me. Shook hands: "Sir, with all due respect, I really don't understand your intentions. I don't have any use value anymore. Why would you help me even against the Federation?"

"Then what kind of federation, are they very powerful?" I asked nonchalantly. Justin couldn't help but froze, and I continued to say to myself: "In my opinion, you are not useless, your people Just abandoning you temporarily is not dead. Once you show the ability to fight the Federation, they will probably regroup like a shark smelling blood, and even make your power stronger than before. Dealing with the Federation You don’t need to worry about the matter, we will take care of it. You only need to provide the information we need."

"...Do you really have the strength to fight against the Federation?" Justin was silent for several seconds, his eyes slowly glowing with hope, but out of precaution, he still asked, "You will know then." I smiled mysteriously. , Then leaned on the seat and stopped answering Justin’s questions. Then it was time for Biao acting. The topic was: "How to use six people to pretend to be a super organization."...

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