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Yunyu was a break, I was satisfied with Sanjiao lying in bed, but the hands were still very unhappy, and the body's unique body incense was very drunk. Snapped! Three people were unfair, I was screaming over her smooth and soft, tightened, and the right hand of the abdominal muscles and the left hand who was ravaged in her chest, there was almost no one, but the body did not eat. I drilled a diamond, I grinned, my hands didn't hurt, just hugged her quietly. Anyway, everyone didn't wear clothes now, how is it I accounted for.

"Gao Wen ~" Sanfang contracted in my arms, I used Sacred tone to open the mouth. "I want to listen to the story of your world, how do our people live? How do you come here? What? "" How do I suddenly want to listen to this? "I got her head asked," I just thought, "Sancha seems to be a cat, and a lazy," I was a lazy, "I was young." What are the myths to me? What is the true life? What is your true life? Gao Wen, I want to know more about you. "

"You are already deeply understood." I laughed in the road, I started to move, I didn't understand it, and I didn't understand it, and I was very annoying red face. I am a punch: "bad guys , Can you do it? "" Haha! "I decisively lifted my hands to express the admission. Such a lovely three is really unable to don't have to show her thoughts, but only I can play after I will finish her. If others are dare to do this, they are afraid to be prepared by her interruption of three ribs.

"In fact, I have been here and Xu Jingkun, I was completely because of an accident." Before I was angry, I quickly opened the story, "accident ?!" San Meng really succeeded that I attracted my attention. I nodded, I started to introduce the prosthetic history of the action and the brilliant history of the hunter, and there is a situation of the world's earth, and I have almost tell everything. Three bodies. Although I have said that many teams have been told when I have told peacewich, they can always exceed them.

Sancha is only quietly listening to my story, and I looked at me in my eyes until I got everything after I finished. "Gao Wen, will you regret?" "Regret?" I am I haven't responded for a while, "I regret to participate in the action, regret my impulse, and finally come to this world, may never go back to my hometown, Gao Wen, you, regret?" Sancha Hold me Hand, said with me ten fingers, I was silent for a few seconds, and I finally showed a smile to her: "Sancha, there is you, I will not regret it."

"On the earth, I am just a generalized mixed-blood hunter, an ordinary high school student, no matter what I do, how hard I do, the last thing you can do will not be. But here, I am the outer phase of the Second Empire of Aldia, the kingdom of a country, is the leader of the rejection, even if it is put in this world, people are not small. My ideal, my wish, my ambition, here Can be realized, now I can succeed more than the earth, what can I regret? "I looked at the three eyes of the three eyes.

Some colors in the eyes of Sancha, she smashed in me, muttered: "Gao Wen, no matter what you want, I will always support you." ...

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