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"The front line is behind the military library." I lowered the name of Aming's finger, I have to say that Male's intelligence system is still very good; fully master the defense arrangement of the Middle East coalition, but the high level of their military It's too idiot, and the empty intelligence system is not allowed to work with the army to play its power. It is temporarily cheaper now, which is convenient for AM.

"In this place, Suharite can get a lot of weaponry, so that he can quickly and re-armed from the collapse of the arms from the front line, and then send them back to the front line to fill the vulnerability. From probability, he walks There may be 60% of the second road, because the Middle East coalition is now in a disadvantage, they can only take tactics with space for time, once this large position is given up, they will be forced to completely retreat to U.e, this is It is difficult to accept in tactics. "Aming pointed to the map.

"So do we want to go to the armory now?" Anderson frowned, "But then? What should we do? Do you want to wear this Male Army? Do you show our identity? I don't It is considered that the other party will believe us. "" We have Allen and I have proof, but in this way, we will be in an extremely passive position, so we have to make a gamble. "Amin left hand grabbed his blonde. Some distressed It should be said, "" Gambling Harle is also able to launch me in the infancy, uncertainty is too big. "

Harili will be in other ways may not be more than you Amin, but his brain is particularly a day in the war. I believe that he will definitely make the same judgment as you, and we are responsible for the appearance Save people. "I heard the words immediately smiled and took the shoulders of Amin." It seems that I have the most correct decision to bring AM, it is the same existence like our team, this action You can remember the first success. "" No ... Not so exaggerated. "A Mington had a little embarrassing smile, and returned to the usual state.

the other side. "Then the basic situation is this." Harlem presented a face of the map in his hand, sitting on his side of the company, "Suharritt will definitely Most responsible for guarding his troops also sent forward. At this time, the size of the troops around him will not exceed a camp! We now have about two elements, plus it, plus the telegram that I have sent. The team of adjunior junctions came to the army, and lay down this armory to catch the smart. "

"However, the generals, the brothers who went to the trap don't matter?" After Harlem, a meritorious question suddenly hesitated, let him not help but stunned, "Of course To manage! "Harili will immediately return to God to say," Only we are definitely can't save them now, only to catch Suharrit, forced him to generate electricity reports A trace may make them live. So, let's act immediately, we go to his new command!

On the medal of the Middle East, hundreds of thousands of people are fighting, because Harlem is a huge breakthrough, Malai army always directs Carvie Marshal, which has already issued the whole line of attack, and the coalition of Suhariti Yuan handsome is relative The attack, the development of the war will look at his headquarters safe ...

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