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On the next few days, I basically made the limbs for Thomas and spend the relationship with Mi Gara. I have prepared a speech in my busy schedule. After all, I still need to join the Three Kingdoms at the reporter. The situation is speaking, and a good speech is very important to the War of Male.

There is: "Fear is from unknown", and if we put all the eyesight to the world, maybe it can play an excellent effect, so that the Male is unfavorable to test my words.

Hillz has completed the discussion and officially signed an agreement within three days, and Qi You will be attended by the representative of the Pilot Conference as a representative of Hillz, and the Middle East Federation is made by their Wang Timi. Gair is a representative. The allocation ceremony and the symbolic agreement signed the location as the Hisanna District, all security work in the district is in an orderly manner.

Just when everything is steadily promoted, Xu Jingkun's return and the news brought, it is today, I stunned and disrupted my plan. The five major giants teamed up to fight, but they were still being smashed by the war hammer giants in five things. Finally, she can only retreat under the coverage of the airship. The powerfulness of the war hammer giant is really super-all people's imagination, people must not Do not treat it seriously.

After the war, Malai is naturally a book of this victory, and it is strongly desolated by the fleet and institute attacked by the Eldia troops. It mainly promotes how the battle hammer giant is unchartrous and hurts Paradi. The team of the evil magic, frustrated their conspiracy, but also extremely exaggerated civilian casualties and promoting Eldia threats. This newspaper is now in my work desk, the headline of the newspaper is called - the brutal Elda Empire is re-disappearing, and the black horror will come again, Malai is the world's lighthouse will never succumb!

I looked up and looked at Xu Jingkun, who was standing in front of me, and I felt that my head and hunting, I only helplessly went to continue to read newspapers.

Now this thing is that it is also small, and it's nothing to do if it is dealing with it. If it is difficult, if it is difficult, Iridia will instantly have a thousand feet in an instant, and then it is difficult to save the situation. Just look at how we promoted. I reached out and pressed the bell on the table. I have to start working.

"First Long!" Have been staying outside the door to hear the electric battles immediately opened the door and went to the salute. These are all scheduled when the new government is set up, and it has been renovated after the Hillz State. I turned on the diligent soldiers and said: "To call the Minister of Propaganda and Intelligence, I have something to be assigned to them." Yes! "Diligent soldiers have respectful to turn around.

I once again glanced over the five people in Xu Jingkun, and sighed: "Sit down, don't you do it like I am in a corporal punishment." Sorry Gao Wen, is my arrangement, I didn't expect the hammer giant. " It will come back from the front line, nor does it think that its combat power will lead to us five together. "Elvin said to me," because my incompetence has caused the failure of this action. " I asked to resign to the head of the investigation team. "...

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