Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 34 - Visiting the Pokemon Tower!

Early morning Jay woke up and went off to take a bath while Dragonite was standing outside looking at the skies, although it evolved fast it was still a young juvenile dragon who had experienced his first kill not too long ago. Jay had a talk with Dragonite over it but he left Dragonite to find his reason for becoming stronger to itself, he already told Dragonite the Reason he could kill and still move forward was because he would do it if its for the safety of his mother and those close to him. This tip gave some insight to Dragonite but he was still looking for it, looking after Jay was more like a child to his father it was not something he want for himself. (1)

Mawile was completely fine because she along with the female pokemons already found their individual reasons for being resolved to kill when it was necessary while Gallade the Mr Diligent simply stated that killing is one of the many trials of becoming a true Swords Grandmaster which is his dream to reach. Jay even gave Gallade a sword to use instead of it's arm swords that can emerge from the side of it's arms and enter, Gallade was ecstatic over this gift since now he can properly train his swordsmanship with a real sword.

Gyarados had no problem with killing as where he grew up MagiKarp fishes were near the bottom of the food chain that normally get eaten by the bigger water type pokemons if they don't evolve fast enough, Steelix was once a Cave lord and that title was something he earned. While Snorlax, well Snorlax was simply snorlax no need to talk about him. So Out of all the pokemons Dragonite was the only one without a Reason or resolve to kill, Jay could only hope that he will find something that could make it move forward in the future.

After finishing his bath Jay had his breakfast together with his mom.

Mom: "You heading off to Lavender Town today?"

Jay: "Ah Yes, I intend to bury that pokemon there"

Mom: "I see, how is dragonite holding up?"

Jay: "It will take time but I believe he will find it... Getting over the feeling of killing might be easy for some but the after effects still struck them all the same, even I sometimes get nightmares of it. But you grow tougher with time, so Dragonite will have to find this himself while I will keep supporting him so he won't stray off the wrong path"

Mom: "That's good, Make sure to call me tonight"

Jay: "Hehe I will of course mom, see you later!"

Mom: "Take care! And be careful!"

Jay called out Gallade who teleported him and Dragonite to Lavender Town, the town was far more lively than it was when he first came here. It was even start to show signs of rapid expansions as more people began to move in, Jay was walking down the road leading to the Pokemon Tower with Dragonite and Gallade behind him. People were looking at his Gallade weirdly because this odd pokemon had two swords made from metal ores attached to his back making him seem more human than a pokemon if not for his characteristics.

Entering the Pokemon Tower Jay could see the first floor was lit up with more empty spaces for graves compared to before, seems people Over the older graves a floor up, but Jay intends to bury this pokemon personally at the top floor. So they started going up the stairs, each floor had black mist lingering around the floor which was the normal signs of ghost type pokemon linger around around but they did not dare come out to face Jay because of his two pokemons being way too dangerous for them to prank them.

The Top floor is where the mist reached up to Jay's knees and was completely black, since he could not see properly Jay condensed his dragon aura around his hand and waved towards his front blowing the mist away revealing a Gengar who was looking at him with a astonished face but when it looked at Dragonite and Gallade it immediately disappeared and so did the mist. After choosing a spot Jay and his two pokemon began to use shovels he took out from his Babylon Gate to start digging a proper grave for the pokemon, when the depth was enough Jay placed the white cloth wrapped Raichu into the hole before burying it under the ground they have dug up.

When they finished burying Raichu Jay went onto both his knees in front of the grave and placed his hands together, all he could do was pray that if there is a next life for this pokemon that it will gain the master that deserves his undying loyalty and one that could treat it more warmly like family. Dragonite was quiet the entire time but when he stared at the Grave once more something unlocked within his heart, because when he looked at the grave he remembered the look on Raichu's face despite it was being used, despite it's trainer did not care whether it lived or died. Raichu's resolved face to stick with the trainer that caught him until his last breath was forever etched into Dragonite's mind, a stream of tears began to roll down his eyes, yes it was Dragonite's first time expressing his sadness for having to kill someone so close to him he could have considered the Raichu a rival in being loyal to their trainers.

Dragonite suddenly roared up to the heavens like resounding a vow which only he alone will know, even the people of Lavender Town all stopped and look in the direction of the Pokemon Tower and for some reason they felt they should pay respect to the departed pokemon. Unbeknownst to Jay and his pokemon the towns people all stop what they were doing and gave a silent prayer, when everything returned to Normal Jay recalled both his pokemon and decided to go to the forest in Route 12.

The Deeper he went the more pokemons he spotted even those that were suppose to be aggressive were unnaturally tame, but he could feel the pokemons here are more stronger compared to the pokemons outside. When Jay reached the centre of the Forest he came across a lonely Sakura tree which was something Jay would never imagined appearing in the forest and flying around the tree happily was a pink pokemon. a Pokemon with mammalian features. It has a rounded, wide snout, triangular ears, and large, blue eyes. It has short arms with three-fingered paws and large hind paws with oval markings on the soles. Its tail is long and thin with an ovoid tip. Its fur is so fine and thin,

It was Mew, the one Jay was seeking was this pokemon who suddenly stopped in front of Jay when Mew spotted him. Mew's eyes blinked before closing with a happy smile and soon a telepathy message came into his mind.

Mew: [It's quite strange to see a Human enter here because that Barrier is meant to repulse humans with darkness in their heart yet here you are]

Jay: "I am here to ask something of you Mew"

Mew: [Oh? Human have something to ask of me? Of course I will answer that I will, but I require a snack and if it is delicious enough I will grant you something]

Jay was not sure what he could give Mew so he took out the psychic pokemon food he made for Gallade to eat after training with him which was infused with his Dragon aura, smelling the fragrance of the food Mew grabbed the entire lunch box and began eating as if it never ate before. When it was finished but it's mouth was fill of pokemon food crumbs and sauce but the face it made was that of a dignified king if it wasn't spoiled by the food.

Mew: [It was so - so, so I will grant you two things!]

Mew shot out two energies into his body one of the energy entered his pokemon world causing all the eggs he received from God to hatch one after the other which he would only know much much later what pokemons those are, but the second energy caused his Mew cell he gained because of his father's reckless research began to properly ȧssimilate with his Progenitor Virus allowing him to have control over his psychic energy which he never had before. This gift greatly shocked Jay and when he was about to ask Mew about the Barrier.

Mew: [I know you want to ask about the barrier but that is something I cannot do, not until you cleansed Johto Region. Ho-Oh and Lugia are infected by the Curse which makes them rampage outside their territories and if I let even a bit of the other Energy inside which comes from those two the pokemon in this Region will be infected as well... Even I don't know where this curse like clouds came from but the moment one pokemon is infected it will spread like wild fire]

Jay: "Is there a way to save the infected pokemons?"

Mew: [There are two ways, one is temporary while the other is Permanent. The Permanent way would be to find the source and destroy it. The Temporary way would be to defeat the Guardians of each Regions (Legendary Pokemons) and bring them back to their senses. When their senses return they should be able to hold out for at least a few years before losing their control again]

Jay: "I see, I could use the Temporary Method while looking to complete the permanent one huh?"

Mew: [That's right, and since it was Fate that we met I will allow this little one to follow you]

Another mew but this one was the size that could fit in his hands, it flew over lifted Jay's cap and went inside and laid down to sleep on his head.

Mew: [As I thought that one will feel comfortable with you, that mew is an odd mew compared to the others. Be sure to look after that little one while you train. That one will be of use for you especially when you are searching for the source of the Curse]

Jay: "Thanks for the help Mew"

After giving Mew a few more lunch boxes of the same food to keep, Jay went out of the forest while using his motorcycle heading to Vermillion City to take the ship to Cinnabar Island.


Author Note:

1) This is a section I added to show the inner conflict of Dragonite that he does not reveal, as I don't intend to have only the MC grow more mȧturė but his pokemons as well.

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