Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 42 - Qualifiers Part Two

While Jay was following the Referee towards the next Battlefield he calls out Gallade whom he knows will be fine to call anytime, Gallade came out and saw Jay's face he could understand now what is going on in the PokeWorld and here since it all connected for him.

Jay: {Gallade just what is going on in the PokeWorld? I am sure I told you all that today will be the tournament... And Espeon what's with her being a mother?}

Gallade: {Ahahaha, well it's a bit complicated master. You remember the eggs you got before?}

Jay: {You mean the eggs I got from that Pervert Hero God?}

Gallade: {Yes, the first egg hatched a Mew who mistook Espeon for it's mother...}

Jay: {no need to continue I can already imagine it thanks to her display during a battle.... Huh Gallade why is your face so troubled?}

Gallade: {Because Mew called me papa...}

Jay: "Pffttt HAhAhahahaha!"

Jay's sudden laughter made the referee duck thinking something was coming but when he saw Jay laughing all of the sudden he could only curse this boy for scaring him like that.

Jay: {Hehe, sorry about that but Don't let it bother you. Mew is still young}

Mew (Under the Cap): {Jay there is another Mew with you?}

Jay: {Yeah I have a world where pokemons I capture live in}

Jay: {That depends on if you wish to follow me for the rest of your life}

Mew: {Hmmm... Let me think about it}

Jay: {you do just that, as for you Gallade just ask Flareon, Vaporeon and Umbreon be ready as I will use them for the battle}

Gallade: {Yes master}

Jay recalls Gallade back into his ball when he arrived at the Battlefield, who stood in front of him was a girl that has a cheerful face but he could see the fighting spirit in her eyes. Jay took his place with the referee at the edge in the middle of the two of them.

Referee: "Call out you pokemons!"

Susan: "It's an honor to meet the one who fought mewtwo, my name is Susan Morrison, hope to have a fun match"

Jay: "Names Jay Silver and I look forward to having a fun battle"

Susan: "Onix come out!"

Jay: "Vaporeon come out!"

Susan: "Urg... That"

Jay: "Life is all about struggling to the top"

Referee: "This is the second Match between Jay Silver of Pallet Town and Susan Morrison of Vermillion City! Let the match begin!"

Susan: "Onix use dig"

Onix starts to dig itself into the ground shaking the surroundings with it's actions, Jay looked at this and told Vaporeon to release a large amount of water onto the battlefield turning the field into a muddy battlefield. With this Vapreon would be able to swiftly dodge the attacks and because the water was being absorbed making the ground more loose and slippery even Onix was having a little trouble moving so it emerged right under Vapreon with it's mouth wide open. While being mid-air Vaporeon:

Vaporeon: "REON!!!" {Is this onix a fool or something!}

Vaporeon gathered water energy towards one point at her mouth compressing it, when it was prepared within a moment she opened her mouth and released a high pressured water blast into the mouth of Onix but swiftly stopped when Onix choked from the water. Hardening her tail mid-air she slammed it on top of the head of Onix making it cough out the water but fainted during the process, so she saved it while knocking it out.

Vaporeon: "Vap Vapo Reon!" {This fool better remember this lesson to keep his mouth shut!}

Referee: "Battle is over! Vaporeon wins!"

Man: "Does he even feel shame?"

Old Man: "It was quite interesting idea to make the terrain slippery as Onix pokemons bodies are made from boulders so they tend to slip easier compared to their Evolved Form Steelix which has a form that won't slip in this kind of terrain"

Lady: "Poor girl, I will cheer for you!!!"


Susan: "Making the terrain difficult for Onix to move in so you can force him to come out before he won't be able to come out within the ring huh?"

Jay: "Well yeah, there were other moves I could let Vaporeon use but I thought I let you experience something like this for your training"

Susan: "I appreciate your teachings"

Jay: "It's a pŀėȧsurė, Vaporeon return"

Vaporeon: "Vaporeon" {Oh no!!!! Articuno is coming}

Jay: "Huh? Didn't Gallade say things are fine? Well maybe it is only something small"

**************** Battle two

Referee: "Trainers call out your second Pokemon!"

Susan: "Come out! Starmie!"

Jay: [This is going to be a bit tough, Can't use Umbreon here just yet....] "Come out Flareon!"

Susan: "This...."

Jay: "Don't stress about it, she is quite tough so take it seriously"

Susan: "If you say so" [But isn't it common sense to use a advantage type?]

Referee: "Both pokemons are out, let the match begin!"

Susan: "Starmie use Hydro Pump!"

Starmie released a high pressure blast of water from it's top pointed edge, Flareon who saw this could only snort and released a star shape fireball [Fire Blast] while covering it's body with flame [Flame Charge] and start running to dodge the incoming water attack. Under the sudden explosion of steam the vision was temporary blocked for Starmie and Susan but these kind of situation Jay trained Flareon more often than his psychical train to counter his disadvantage type.

Using the time Starmie could not attack Flareon stood near the edge of the field where the steam did not reach and began to gather energy from the sun, small particles were being drawn towards the small pale green orb forming in front of it's Mouth. The steam dispersed and Susan saw the attack that is coming she immediately had Starmie launch another hydro pump, but never she would thought that Flareon would drawn the Solar Beam into her mouth and close it.

Flareon used the speed she gained from [Flame Charge] to dodge the incoming water attack while running towards the star pokemon, but the wave of water attacks started becoming weaker types but faster making Flareon having to jump left, right, ducking. Just a few meters away Flareon released her incomplete solar beam and Starmie released a Hydro Pump to push it away, being inherent weak to grass type moves the power of Starmie could not stop the beam from reaching it and a explosion occur. When the clouds dispersed starmie was knocked out and Flareon was already walking back to her training.

Flareon: "Flare Fla Reon!" {You do realize that you called me when Moltress was sleeping on my back, she must be throwing one massive tantrum right now}

Jay: [Moltress?] {Could it be the other eggs were the legendary birds?}

Flareon: {Of course!}

Jay: [Legendary Pokemon throwing a tantrum? Who would believe it...] "Flareon return" [Can only hope they calm it down on time somehow, but what is up with today... Is it because there is no longer villains to trouble me today that my pokemons are making the trouble now?]

Susan: "Starmie return, thanks for your hard work"

Jay: "Your Starmie is quite strong and the idea of using weaker water attacks to disrupt the advance of the enemy is well played."

Susan: "But it is not enough to beat you"

Jay: "Well.... I guess" [Well it's honestly because this region does not have all the element energies like my PokeWorld does so I can't say that]

Susan: "I see no point in continuing, I give up this match"

Referee: "Resignation from the match has been confirmed! Jay Silver Wins!"


A Large explosion shook the surrounding once more like it did when Jay's Espeon slammed her Iron Tail like a meteor into the ground, Jay ran towards the direction since he won the match his next two matches will only be tomorrow. When he arrived he saw Drake holding his pokemon that was bleeding profusely, the one he was facing was Issei Tanaka who had his Typlosion at his side.

Before Issei could make another move Jay already called out Gallade teleporting in front of Drake and Gallade smash it's fist against Typlosion and managed to stop it's attack, when Issei saw this he was shocked but a smile formed.

Issei: "You should know Interfering is against the rules"

Jay: "The match was already over, You Referee why have you not stopped the match? Can I take it that the League intends to have trainers die under their watch!?"

Referee: "Thi---This!?"

The people in the surrounding was starting to murmur amongst themselves as they too were repulsed by the behavior of Issei. They began to shout in large numbers in Protest.

***************Meanwhile at the offices of the League

Inside a meeting room was a large table but only four men were sitting at the one edge looking at the monitor of people protesting against Issei's conduct, they were the four executives of the League who wanted to teach Jay a lesson and use his mother to control him but because of a man who keeps killing off their ȧssassins who they send off to capture her made it difficult. If they knew it was Blaine who was killing of the Assassins then they would realized their entire plan was already known by the Father and Son duo.

Fred: "As expected Jay knows the identity of our ace, Sam what do you propose we do before this situation escalates?"

Sam: "Well Sir Fred, I suppose we can submit a warning to Issei to make him hold his impulse to kill pokemons in check till the main tournament"

Fred: "What about Jay?"

Midoriya: "It's difficult that we can't get our hands on his mother, even the two men I sent this morning to abduct her was killed off by a Female ȧssassin who they could not identify"

Fred: "Not only a Man but now a Woman is also protect them!?"

Long: "I suggest we put a stop at trying to control Jay for now and let Issei Tanaka handles him for now. Because we are exposing our trails a bit too much, so we have to start clearing up the loose ends soon"

Fred: "Shit! If only I could get him under my control then I can make someone like Goodshow pack and leave... The President Seat should belong to me!"

***************Meanwhile at the Audience seat

????: "We have successfully disposed of the threats"

Freya: "Good work, for the sake of the world we can't have the Hero's emotions go out of control until he can cleanse the curse of the sacred gears first"

???: "Is it even Possible?"

Freya: "Not now, but in the future I am sure he will be able to confront the curse and liberate both sacred gears... When that time comes it will be his true trial"

***************** Back at the battlefield

Referee: "Yes, I understand.... Issei Tanaka the League has issued a final warning, this is not allow you happen you understand!"

Issei Tanaka: "Yeah Yeah, got it.... See you soon Jay... or should I say Jay the Villain Savior of earth... Just don't fall out too soon"

Jay: "...." [Seems he even knows me personally... This is getting complicated] "Drake move aside"

Jay went over and picked up Drake's Ivysaur which was a tad bit heavy but not much for him, he carried Ivysaur towards a location together with Drake.

Jay: "Drake don't tell anyone what you are about to see here"

Drake: "Ye---Yes!"

Jay looked at the Ivysaur that was smiling to not let Drake worry about him, Jay began to cast Healing magic which began to close the wounds around it's body. Seeing this Drake was quite shocked but did not dare ask Jay how he did this, but instead chose to place his trust in him.

Jay: "Phew! Take your pokemon to the Centre and have Nurse Joy check up on it... But Drake... I am going to punish you later for this"

Drake: "Thi--this is!??"

Jay: "I told you not to face Issei Tanaka as it is too dangerous! Take this as a lesson and always call back your pokemon when you know you can't win, because if your pokemon dies it's over"

Drake: "Ye-Yes!"

Jay sighed as Drake ran off towards the Pokemon Centre, the first day of qualifier match came to an end and many trainers were kicked out for losing their second matches. So tomorrow it will only be those who won one or two matches out of two today. Arriving at the Hotel Jay saw his mother happily chatting with Freya and when they saw him arriving they waited for Jay to take a seat.

Anne: "Jay, what happened when you ran away after finishing your battle?"

Jay: "Oh that, a friend was having trouble with a trainer that went overboard so I put a stop to it"

Anne: "Are you sure everything is fine? I can't help but worry after seeing the rules of the main tournament... Can't you reconsider"

Jay: "Don't worry mom, my pokemons are stronger than what you think... How about this mom, tomorrow I will battle with my pokemons Full Strength and if you are not convinced I will pack and go home"

Anne: "Very well..."

Freya: "I told you it will be fine mom! Jay trained his pokemons to be powerful"

Jay: [Mom? She.... Nah let's just feign ignorance here, I like her but what if she only admires me for saving her in the past life and if I confess she will only accept it out of indebted feelings?]

Anne: "Fufufu, calling me mom sure has a nice ring to it"

Freya: "ehehe" [Is my feelings admirations or do I really love Jay? I will have to confirm this someday, I don't want to start a half hearted relationship just because of admire him]

Jay: "Well then I will bid good night to you ladies"

Anne: "Sleep tight sweetheart!"

Freya: "Good Night Jay"

************ Jay's Hotel Room

Jay: [I felt a slight change was occurring within my Sacred Gear ever since the day I killed Sabrina, what's strange both these sacred gears hold curses but it does not direct it to me but instead towards each other... Maybe if I delve into the sacred gear I might---]

Ddraig: {Oh so your this generation's Red Dragon Emperor? Huh? What this world? Where are we partner?}

Albion: {Why is Ddraig sharing the same host as me? Huh? Vali your alive? No Who are you}

Jay: {The easiest way to explain will be to share my memories}

Jay linked his mind sharing his memories with the two dragons making them quiet.

Ddraig: {To think such a thing will happen, so the reason why Me and Albion woke up is because our past possessors are clashing with one another}

Albion: {Well considering that the curse normally killing the current host this situation could be a blessing but this will have to be dealt with someday}

Jay: {So the strange feeling I felt just a moment ago was because the previous white dragon emperors and red dragon emperors are clashing within the sacred gear?}

Albion: {Well yes, it's the first time both White and Red is sharing the same host so this is quite an amusing sight}

Ddraig: {At least he is not like my previous host}

Albion: {Don't you dare bring it up Ddraig! Because of you! I have been called Butt Dragon for 10,000 years!}

Ddraig: {What should I say!? I was called the Oppai Dragon and that bloody host is so obsessed with Breasts to the point he creates miracles with them.... UWAA!!!!!}

Ddraig was crying, he was crying his heart out being liberated from the torture.

Ddraig: {He was one of my best hosts but it is still painful! A prideful dragon like me had to act like a Oppai Dragon for 10,000 years!}

Albion: {Well Jay, you what direction you going to walk since you hold both of us}

Jay: {I am not like your past possessors... I intend to become a Hero for those who need me, even if I have to become a Tyrant to save them then so be it... I will become the Sun for the weak and innocents and the Moon for the Wicked}

Albion: {Combination of Royalty and Tyrant.... Seems we are in for something amusing this time}

Ddraig: {Yeah, it will be something to see especially instead of working together with separate hosts... Now we are working together with one Host}

Albion: {Kukuku, lets reach the peak of this Hunger games Jay, show them them the Powers of the Heavenly Dragons that were feared by the Maou's and Gods from our world}

Thus Jay's first time meeting the two heavenly dragons under a miraculous situation, but how is he going to face the curses that might not be directed to him but can still affect him. Would he learn of Freya's secret background? How will he deal with the Execs of the League who intends to harm his family and himself?

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