Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 60 - Register as Trainers (Adventurers)

Next morning Jay was inside the training room he added into the Capsule house where he and his pokemons were training, right now his pokemons control over their varies energies reached near perfection so it was time for them to compress their energy cores to make them small as pebbles.

When the compression was done he will have them start taking in the energies they gain from the Pokeworld to take them to the next level as most of them were already at the bottleneck.

After the fight against Zorua, Riolu has reached Intermediate Advanced and after today's training session he was at near Peak Intermediate, he was a bit bothered about this speed but then it came to him that he did not train Riolu much other than having him smacking Snorlax to wake up.

Jay's body so far can endure both his sacred gears second liberation forms and only required a catalyst to reach their respective balance breakers but which one will be reached first is difficult to imagined as there was never a duo Boost / Divide possessor to begin with.

Jay: [ My pokemons progress has sped up ever since we came to the outside world, even I am being influenced by this atmosphere... Could it be the other players in the hunger games who were exposed to this energy longer than me will be far out of my league? I will have to reach balance breaker soon...]

Freya: "Jay!!! Breakfast is ready!"

Jay recalled all of his pokemons back into their pokeballs and went straight to the dining room where Freya wearing a pink flowery Apron was sitting waiting for him to arrive, the smell of the food was truly enticing that Jay was wondering why she is complaining about his cooking when hers is even better than his.

Freya: "So we going to Register today?"

Jay: "Yes, make sure to take your Tazer and Pistol with, you never know when we will be dealing with humans or zombies from now on"

Freya: "Got it, fufu it will be something to start our journeys as Adventurers but they call it Trainers?"

Jay: "Outside people call it Trainers but internal they call these trainers Foot soldiers, registering for the Guild is signing up for the Military. Trainer Guild is nothing but a Front for the Military Reserves Recruitment"

Freya: "Should I register as well?"

Jay: "Yeah as there are placed in Unova you can't reach without the Guild card"

The two of them enjoyed their breakfast together with a occasional flirting here and there from Jay's side, when they finished eating they exited the house which Jay turned back into a Capsule before they turn to head towards the guild. The camp area was filled with people brushing their teeth, taking a bath in the lake in front of everyone without care, some were eating and some were drinking.

The Trainers treated the camp site completely like they were inside a huge home and everyone else was simply a room mate, there was quite a number of people who looked at Freya but after sensing the intimidating aura from Jay they turned and looked away realizing that these two people were no ordinary rookies and it would be best to leave them alone.

There was however a fool who stood up to walk towards Freya but he immediately sit back down when he felt a faint cut near his balls which scared the living hell out of him, he could not sense anything (Well natives of this world are not familiar with mana) from that attack just now and it was enough to tell him he best behave if he wish to remain as a man.

Jay: [Ever since I arrived here people been thinking I am a pick on target, is it because I am too god damn hot!? Or is it the Breasts!? It's the brėȧsts isn't it!]

Freya looked at Jay who had a face like he ate shit because he was simply too tired to deal with more idiots, when they entered the Trainer Guild it was quite the standard adventurer Guild set up. On the Right was a long counter with several Girls helping trainers check their spoils before paying them, straight ahead from the door was the Notice boards divided into Ranks from F up to D meaning this guild only supports up to Rank D Trainers.

The person who was standing there was a Buffed man who appears to be in his 30's, gray military cut hair wearing a tank shirt blue pants and black boots. This man truly dressed close to what modern military people wear form his previous world so seeing this was quite nostalgic, when the people saw these two heading towards that specific counter they began betting.

Trainer: "I bet 100 Pokedollars he will get kicked"

Trainer #2: "I bet 125 pokedollars he will be escorted out because of the pity for the beautiful girl"

Burly Trainer: "Isn't that girl hot? Might not be bad to take her for a spin"

Tall Trainer: "Hehehehe, look! Lucas the Rookie Bully has made his move!"

a Bald headed muscle trainer approach Jay and Freya who was just about to talk with the man at the counter.

Lucas: "What are you brats doing here?"

Jay: "For your information Cliche events like this is totally unneeded!!!"

Lucas: "Huh? The fuċk you talking about?"

Jay: "I am talking about scums like you who bully the weak for enjoyment but when facing the strong you crawl on the ground like a dog"

Lucas: "You dare--- Aaaaaa!!!!"

Lucas was convulsing while screaming out in pain because Freya took out her tazer and tazed the man in his groin till smoke began to emerge from the pants, seeing this all the trainers in the guild gulped down their saliva while holding their crotches swearing they ain't getting involved with that mad girl. Who knows when she might toast their jewels next.

Receptionist Man: "You pass, complete this form and I will have you two registered"

Trainer: "No way!"

Burly: "The Guild Master has approved trainers for the first time since this guild was under his control!?"

Tall Trainer: "BWahahaha I won a lot of money! It is a shame I did not bet more though"

Jay completed the forms for both him and Freya and handed it over to the man who gave it to the lady next to him as he looked at the young trainer in front of him, he was not sure what powers this boy had inside of him but the aura around this boy caught his interest.

Guild Master: "Are you natives of Unova?"

Jay: "No, I am Jay silver and this is Freya. We come from Kanto to start our Journey in this Region first"

Guild Master: "So you are the one Aurea asked me to look after huh? She sure handed me a monster this time... Here is my contact details boy, if you ever get in trouble as long as it is not against the law I will help you out"

Jay: "Oh? Thanks Old man" [Does not hurt to have more contact, especially those linked with Professor Aurea Juniper]

Guild Master: "Anyway a short introduction on the guild is don't cause trouble and there won't be trouble. To Rank up you can complete ten of the same rank quests or Four higher ranked quests. To Rank up to D, B, A and S you need to complete Special quests by the guild in order to rank up. Fail a quest you have to pay a penalty, can't pay you will become a slave"

Jay: [This is hard core Bull! Slave for not being able to pay!? ... This is going to torment me thinking people becoming slaves daily]

Shortly afterwards Jay and Freya got their Trainer cards that had their Portrait on the left, their name and Rank on the right. Not much information as the card had a black data stripe attached to the back where you can swipe and the personal information such as Name, Surname, Age, Gender, Origin Region is listed.

With the registration complete the two of them went over to check the boards and noticed there was not many quests to do, according to their requirements you have to complete 10 quests of the same rank or 4 quest of a higher rank to rank up. After debating over the options the two of them opted to take the higher ranking quests to reach Rank D as soon as possible.

The following quests was taken which was located for Route 1 which Jay and Freya passed by yesterday:

[Rank E Quest, Description: Hunt 10x Watchdogs dead or alive, Rewards: 2200 Pokkedolalrs]

[Rank E Quest, Description: Capture 3x Herdier alive, Rewards: 1500 Pokkedolalrs]

[Rank E Quest, Description: Gather 3x Prism scales, Rewards: 800 Pokkedolalrs]

With these four quests in hand Jay went over to the receptionist lady who was free, she had black long hair tied in a ponytail, glasses and receptionist office outfit which looked quite ėrȯtɨċ with her body figure. When the lady saw the quests he took she looked at him as if she wanted to say something but kept unnaturally quiet processing the four quests he has chosen.

Receptionist: "Your quests has been registered, Good luck"

Jay: "Yeah thanks" [Wonder why this woman stopped when she looked like she wanted to say something]

Freya: "Got the quests?"

Jay: "Yeah lets go!"


Author note:

Try my new book, update will be irregular not like this book daily. More like I don't like having a "Suspended" book behind my name lol!!!

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