Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 62 - Non-Ranked Quest

Guild Master: "While she is updating your Ranks could the two of you come to my office?"

Jay: "Sure"

Jay and Freya followed the Guild Master upstairs into his office that had massive piles of paper all over the table, book cases filled with books on the right side of the room and couches to sit in the center of the room. When they took their seat the Guild Master went over to his desk taking out a few papers from the table before taking his seat as well.

Guild Master: "Professor Juniper has probably not told you but I was told I could entrust you with these un-ranked quests"

Jay: "Unranked quests?"

Guild Master: "It is quests to which we can not Rank as we are not certain of the danger level the trainers would face, look at the requests and you would understand"

There were three quests and each of them had a different kind of problem but these were crimes that were committed in a city that did not have a trainers guild yet, one of the quests was located at Striaton City, one in Nacrene City and the last one was in Castella city.

[Quest: Investigate murders

Rank: Unranked

Location: Striaton City


Several victims in the city has been turned up dead and all of them were missing their fingers except for their thumbs, there were no reports of victims having feuds with any persons according to families and acquaintances. Their criminal records are all clean.

Photos of vicitms available at Guild.

Claire, Striaton City staff of the League

Number : $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Reward: 20,000]

[Quest: Investigate Missing Children

Rank: Unranked

Location: Nacrene City


There has been five children so far kidnapped from houses in the south eastern district, all of the children kidnapped had light brown long hair and all girls. No signs of bodies found yet, suspected the possibility of the children still being alive.

Photos available at Guild.

Jason, Nacrene City Staff of the League

Number : $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Reward: 100,000]

[Quest: Investigate missing family members

Rank: Unranked

Location: Castella City


There are reports of men and women suddenly turning mission, it was investigated that the relationship with their partners were happy and stable. There is no other lead other than the fact that all the victims turned out to be beautiful / Handsome, there is no conflict between Victim or other people according to the families and acquaintances.

Photos available at the Guild

Jason, Nacrene City Staff of the League

Number : $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Reward: 300,000]

Jay: "You want us to investigate these?"

Guild Master: "So far the league has sent several agents and us Guild has also send off Trainers but none came back alive, and most of our stronger agents and trainers are all busy fighting harder battles so these kind of small crimes is not worth their time according to them so we can only turn to people like you who arrive and is stronger than average trainers"

Jay: [Hmm... Dealing with these quests will not be a problem for me, I always wanted to try be a detective but... Why does these three quests smell like a event I once read in my previous world... Is some sicko trying to reenact these events in this world?] "I will take on these quests on a condition"

Guild Master: "What is the condition?"

Jay: "Increase my Guild rank to B so I can have access to enter most secret locations from here up to Icirru City, as I am sure these are not the only Quests you will be giving me isn't it?"

Guild Master: "Yes, these quests is a test to see whether or not you can take on the more dangerous quests within Castella City"

Jay: "I Thought so, I guess the League contacted you as well to make use of me to deal with the problems they can't deal with right now correct?"

Guild Master: "Yes, the secretary of Charles Goodshow also asked me to raise your Rank up to B to let you have enough access to move in the areas that needs to be cleaned. But don't get so excited soon boy"

Jay: "So what is it?"

Guild Master: "The reason your journey so far was safe is because of the GREAT WALL of UNOVA that was built at Striaton City to block of the infected from entering, so when you leave the Wall you best be careful young lad..."

Jay: "So That's why it felt so boring and cliche so far"

Guild Master: "huh? You said something?"

Jay: "Oh no nothing! Just said it made sense now why the trainer camp is so full of people who refuse to leave"

Guild Master: "Sigh... Yes, and it is hard to hold back people who try to flee from the Region and become a Deserter so we allowed them to stay here but they have to complete at least 10 quests a week outside of Striaton City for them to live here"

Jay: "Not a bad idea"

Freya: "I want to know but do you have any information about Maloetta?"

Guild Master: "You mean the song pokemon? Other than the legends behind her, we have absolutely nothing else. She is one of the few legendary pokemons in the world that did not resurface after the Virus struck the world"

Freya: "hmm...."

Jay: "What's wrong Freya?"

Freya: "Jay while you tend to the quests at each city I will be searching for Maloetta's trail, for our future battles we will need her strength"

Jay: "Is it to have her use the song to calm down the legendaries after we beat their sense back?"

Freya Nods.

Jay: [It does make sense as not everyone would love to be beaten up to regain their sanity, especially prideful ones] "I can allow it but you will have to take one of my pokemons with you to guard you"

Freya: "Fufu, your such a worrywart"

Jay: "Call it cautious! Anyway old man, you got any information about the location for the sword trios?"

Guild Master: "So far our intelligence stated the Virizion is outside Nacrene City, according to our Agents there is a possibility of a Pokemon Stampede within a week. Cobalion was last located inside Mistralton Cave near Driftveil City as for the Third one we have lost it near the Celestial Tower"

Jay: "So I will be facing the grass type first? It will be convenient for me to have her part of my main team, thanks for the information Old Man. Be sure to email me new quests from time to time"

Guild Master: "Will do so boy, be sure to look after the girl properly! The world out there is dark"

Jay: "Heh, I will guard her with my life if I have to"

Freya blushed walking out ahead of Jay, the guild master chuckled at the sight and Jay waved at the old man before leaving the office.

Freya: "We going out now?"

Jay: "No, we already paid for today as well so might as well rest here for the night and then carry on with our journey tomorrow morning..." [It's a good thing that Freya will not be investigating these crimes together with me... I feel a quite uneasy about the familiarity of these scenes but can't pinpoint which book it was]

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