Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 69 - Going Longinus Smasher with a Noblephantasm

The time seemed to have slowed down for Envy who watched how the jagged dagger fly towards the blood vein formation, he knew one thing. He could not let that thing touch the formation or it will be over, with every ounce of strength he had it began to blast off towards the dagger while trying to spread the power of envy to take over the dagger.

But the next thing to happen bewildered him, the energy that came in contact with the dagger simply dispersed as if the energy simply could not touch it. What he did not know what that Jay purposely used this weapon for the formation for two reasons and this was one of them, the other was he had no other way to deal with this problem.

Jay: [I am not sure if there is other weapons who can resist the power of Envy so it was a smart choice to use Rule Breaker but also the worst gamble... If anything went wrong for a moment then not only me but the world would be screwed if Envy could get the dagger]

The moment the dagger was close enough to the blood veins, the formation began to moving around as it was trying to shift into something entirely else. It was not that long Jay could make out a humanoid face who was roaring in anger and the moment the face came out even Envy frozen solid shivering in the presence of this man, Jay who saw this was quite astonished to know that whoever that face is. Is scary enough to make even Envy stop whatever he was doing?

????: "I will get you for this!!!! HERO CHAMPION!!! The day we meet will be the day you die!!"

Boom! The moment the dagger touched the formation the face exploded into a blood mist and the people who were all waking towards the tent fainted, Mew who sent it's psychic energy to check the conditions told Jay that he managed to somehow overcome the emergency.

Envy: "You bastard!!!! If only you were not here I would succeed!!! Now if I don't kill you he will kill me!!"

Jay: "Who was that man?"

Envy: "No! That man's name is more taboo than Evil Gods.... You have to die"

Jay: [Well I tried, now how to deal with the power that has the ability to take whatever someone else has for their own... Ah!]

Jay smiled as he point his palm towards Envy who growled at him before flying towards him while releasing his envy powers which was black murky substance, a faint blue light emits from the body of Jay who suddenly started firing off ice needles towards envy who in turn made it's energy expand into a shield that kept moving forward.

Envy: "Not a bad sword, I will keep it and use it to cut off your head with it"

Jay: [I thought his powers could only have a single attack, if he could launch more than one of these shits then won't he be able to rob everyone in seconds? Is this bastard toying with me?]

Envy: [That was close, I had to use my Envy Armor trump card... Shit this bastard better have some good stuff to compensate me for using this]

Swoosh! Envy swing his new sword at Jay who used his magic to raise the ground up forming several spikes around Envy to impale him, seeing his predicament Envy spin his body slashing all the earth spikes in halves while Jay already flipped backwards to make some space.

Envy: "Come you got to have more than this right?"

Jay: "I would gladly take them out if your powers was not this troublesome to deal with in the first place.... What were you trying to accomplish here?"

Envy: "Well since you are about to die I can at least answer that question for you... Do you know how the Virus is spread faster despite all the restrictions?"

Jay: "...." [Don't tell me this ritual....]

Envy: "That's right, this ritual is nothing more than a cover up to bring all the people together and infect them all at once. But you see those were a newly created virus that combines both the Berserk and the Zombie effect into one, we have already tested it and guess what happens?"

Envy: "They become abominations without a soul, they will simply rampage around the town like mindless dolls and so far we managed to complete it in Johto"

Jay: [It appears Envy either does not have well intelligence or he could be a low ranking member... Souls.... The virus should not have such an effect, I will have to get some people to check on this] "Let me guess your a high ranking member?"

Envy: "Well I am certain higher than a Goon but lower than a Commander Rank, well that is enough of that let me kill you"

Jay sighed at the fact he could no longer cheat out information from this guy and it was time to put an end to this, he took a deep breath in and called out his sacred gears to which Envy began to laugh maniacally thinking how much power he would have if he had those. But Jay did not spare him a glance.

[Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! 20x Boost!]


The dragon aura around his body erupted by several fold that Jay could feel his body was screaming for him to release this energy, he called out his mana and started to merge it with his aura into one. A Soft whisper which was not audible for the surroundings left his mouth as a purple magic circle materialized beneath his feet, Envy stopped immediately sensing the dangerous power coming from the boy and thought he would attacked but all he felt was something invisible going past him while touching his skin like a plastic wrap.

Envy: "Whaahahahahaha, what is this useless power? It does nothing! But I guess you would have to do"

Envy flew towards Jay swiftly and stabbed him before he could move, but Envy felt he was touching nothing. He was bewildered why would he feel nothing when he could clearly see the blood leaking from the "wound" but there was no feeling so he waved he hand across the body and soon the fake Jay dispersed as if the illusion has served it's purpose.

Envy: "You have a lot of toys! Wait till I--- ARG!!!!"

Jay used his psychic energies to shoot out a impact ball into the body of Envy sending him up into the air, the blue aura around the sword was turning Red/silver from the dragon aura Jay was feeding it. Jay spread out his red dragon wings taking flight into the skies where Envy was, a smile forming on his lips as he could only go all out to ensure this creep is truly dead.

Jay: "The Evil Dragon will fall, and the world will now reach the twilight. Fall ― Balmung!"

Suddenly the air around Jay began to give cracking sounds as if the space around him was break, vortex of winds want to form but gets cancelled out by another vortex that was forming as well. The air around Jay was chaotic as if everything was created and destroyed the next instant, nothing could take shape around him.

Jay: "It was nice knowing you... Envy"

Envy: "I won't fall here!"

But those was his last words as Jay released the energy from Balmung like a Longinus Smasher, with a swing the energy came swiping past Envy's body enveloping him. Bathed in the tyrannical energy Envy's body was broken down into molecules before disappearing from the face of this world, the skies turned blood red with a trace of silver all over the place. If people were to look at the skies in Striatom City they would wonder if it is a ominous sign for the red or hope for the silver, or could it be a balance between the two.

Jay: "*Cough Cough*" [That was a bit of a overkill but having powers like envy is something I can't take lightly.... Damn it hurts]

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