Travelling In The World Of Pokemon!

Chapter 73 - Plans for the future

Freya: "EH!? You already completed you gym battle?"

Jay nodded towards Freya as he walked beside her towards the armor and weapon shop to prepare a few selective items to face off against the zombies if there are any, when they entered the shop it was much larger compared to it's looks from the outside. On the left section was the Weapons and on the right was the armor sections with the consumable section in the middle, there was a man in his mid 30's manning the counter today.

Owner: "Can I help you?"

Jay: "Good day sir, I would like to ask what kind of items, weapons and armor should we prepare for when we face off against zombies?"

The owner who heard this was quite shocked, these were kids in front of him not young ȧduŀts but kids!

Owner: "Are you serious? You both are kids!"

Jay looked at the old man giving him his trainer card, when the old man read the content on the card he suck a mouthful of cold air. Kanto Champion and such a young one at that, could it be times of change has arrived?.

Owner: "COugh COugh! Apologies, I did not realize you were trainers from Kanto region. It really has been too long since the last trainer from that region stepped in this side of the world after all"

Jay: "I can understand your reasons, however I need to prepare for my journey since it is our first time here I rather be prepared than sorry"

Owner: "Well for the armour side I can already tell the clothes the two of you are wearing are simply covers for the armor your wearing underneath"

Jay who heard this smiled feeling he truly found a master at this trade which was just what he wanted.

Owner: "For weapons, I suggest using a ȧssault rifle with a silencer and a pistol with a silencer for each of you. During the night the zombies are extremely active, however during the day they will only attack upon hearing noises they can't see in the day but their ears are incredibly sharp. Then you will also need to equip a virus scanner bracelet, this device will display whether or not you are infected when you get bitten"

Jay: "There is chances one won't get infected?"

Owner: *shrug* "There is a lot of theories behind those researching madmen, but the most plausible would be the some zombies has the ability to choose whom they want to infect."

Jay: [Perhaps it is only the higher level Zombies that has such a ability since the lower level only has instinct.... Worth looking into this] "Thanks for the information old man, I will take everything you recommended"

After 30 minutes Jay and Freya walked out of the shop, the both of them were a bit curious about this information as Juniper did not share this with them. They were not certain if she misunderstood thinking that they know everything and did not mention it, or perhaps forgotten...

Jay: "It will be relatively safe to travel to Nacrene City but I still prepared the items for in case, let relax for today and set out tomorrow early in the morning"

Freya agreed to Jay's proposal as the two of them head towards a open sections and threw a capsule towards it, a puff of smoke explode form the capsule and their little lovely igloo house appeared in it's place. Freya went to the kitchen while Jay went to the training room where he released all of his pokemons.

Jay: "From tomorrow our journey will officially start to become real dangerous, we will be facing zombies, Wild Pokemons and other enemies so I want you all you train hard. I will be focusing on Riolu and Zorua's training"

Jay went to one side of Riolu and Zorua, first he retaught the basics of gathering energies within their core to expand it to it's limits before compressing it. Since there might come a time he will not be able to train his pokemon, he can teach them how to train themselves in the PokeWorld in the mean time. After seeing them managed to complete two cycles of expand and compression he then proceeded to spar with them both at the same time, Riolu was honest and straight so Jay knew he would attack from the front.

Zorua who was mischievous naturally specialized in ambushing and ȧssassination style, it was after he knew their personality and style they prefer he began imparting techniques to each of them. Since Jay was intending to use only his new team to battle the gyms here he decided to focus on training them to fight humans while having them have real battles against pokemons as their course of training.

Seeing that Jay was free and only overseeing Riolu and Zorua's training the entire eevee squad came tackling Jay into the ground ŀɨċkɨnġ wet full of spit all over his face.

Jay: "You girls"

Jay took out their favourite comb starting to comb each of them gently and thoroughly to their hearts contend, the moment he was done Mawile his first sparring partner pulled him away demanding him a spar. Jay could only feel a cold sweat run down his spine, he knew it. This martial artist crazed pokemon develop a new technique and it must be dangerous.

Mawile: "MA! Wile Wi LE!" {Jay! You owe me a spar!}

Jay could only call out his sacred gears to face this girl who became a monster among monsters of his pokemons, [BOOST!] the familiar green gem resounded as Jay could feel his dragon aura increasing [BOOST!] Suddenly Mawile sprinted towards him with a kick, Jay deflected the kick to the left with his left arm launching a round house kick from the right which was blocked by Mawile's snake. After the first exchange the speed of their punches and kicks began to rapidly increase to the point there was mild vibrations within the capsule house, this training room had several enchantments in it to be able to hold attacks up to a certain level which could explain just how strong Mawile is and Jay had to use Boosted Gear to be able to contend against her.

Freya: "Jay Food is ready!!!"

Hearing the call of the goddess Jay wanted to cry happily, his wrists were sore from deflecting the attacks of Mawile as taking a hit from her was simply asking for a death wish. Gallade who witnessed the battle appeared to have entered a enlightment state as nothing could snap it out of it's Daze so everyone left him there alone. Tonight was Beef Steak with vegetables for dinner, the pokemons recieved their food Jay took out from his babylon gate which he stored for them.

Jay: "Delicious!"

Freya: "Thank you"

Jay: "Tomorrow we will be heading down route 3, there is a Cave I want to visit no matter what"

Freya: "Could it be the well spring cave?"

Jay: "Yes, there is some records I found in Professor Oak's library that recorded about a special Pokemon that may or may not appear in that region. If I can get that pokemon, then getting the help of the three sword pokemons will become easier to cooperate with to calm down the twin dragons of this region"

Freya: "Don't forget the other Reincarnators like us as well"

Jay: "That too... It sure is tough... Traveling in the world of Pokemon"

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