Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 618: Starring in true colors

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Bigmom and Kaido didn't have a word, and the scene immediately became hot. The two men collided with each other, stirring up turbulent waves, and the clouds in the sky quickly sink.

Duke didn't think it was too much to watch the excitement, so he happily took care of Robin and Perona, waiting for the two to do it first.

The brief confrontation soon subsided. Kaido took his hand first, looked at Duke pretendingly, leaving bigmom with a whimsical sneer, and strode onto the red carpet of the port.

This expression and this action can only be said to be the four emperors, all of them are acting at the level of the statue.

Bigmom was confused by Kaido's behavior. She was in a high position and she was naturally very minded. Before she could figure out the relationship between Duke and Kaido, she didn't have a good chance to seize the problem. Press Yuntou and ordered people to greet the team again. 'Homitz' to play the music.

With an unexplained smile, Duke embraced Robin and stepped on the red carpet. Behind him, Perona followed suit, a little afraid of bigmom, holding a red umbrella and floating tightly behind Robin.

Bigmom was even more confused now, but her city didn't let her show too much, laughed and ordered people to pull the frame, and led the three of Duke to rest in the castle where the guests were entertained.

There are two days left for the tea party. This tea party is slightly different from the past. Sanji, the third son of the Vinsmok family, and Brin, the 35th daughter of the bigmom, will have their wedding on that day.

Bigmom covets the scientific and technological power of the North Havensmok clan, and the Wensmok clan also wants to borrow the power of bigmom. Both parties take what they need and decide to marry at a click.

Because Sanji was only caught, the news was released within a few days, but the influence of this news is not small, and many people don't want to see the success of the marriage between the two sides. For example, the navy, government, other kingdoms in the North Sea, and of course Kaido, if Bigmom gets the scientific and technological power of the Vinsmok clan, the power will inevitably rise to a higher level.

Bigmom also knows that many people do not want to see the marriage of the two races, so the wedding is held in a hurry, so that many people who come to the tea party only know that there is another wedding halfway through.

This is good news. Going out a long time earlier has saved a lot of money!

Two days later, the main city of Cake Island was full of laughter. Numerous ‘Homitz’ played various musical instruments, and the melodious music accompanied by salutes pushed the festive atmosphere to the top.

In the past two days, Duke and Robin and Perrot stayed in the deluxe room and never went anywhere in the house. In order to prevent bigmom from being suspicious, Duke and Kaido have not seen each other. Hearing that Kaido had been making trouble for the past two days, Duke couldn't help feeling that Kaido was really a qualified actor. If he waited for the tea party honestly, it would be flawed.

During the period, Duke also saw Jinping who came to visit him specially. Although Jinping didn't say much, Duke still heard a little wind from his flashing words. Luffy had logged on to Cake Island and defeated the Three Stars. Charlotte Crane in the middle.

The real core reason for the conflict about Cake Island in the original book is that Sanji left without saying goodbye, and Luffy's self-abuse to influence him and fight against bigmom. There are many reasons why Sanji left the ship. His family, his benefactors and friends in the East China Sea, and the Straw Hat group, he didn't want to involve everyone because of himself.

The last straw that overwhelmed Sanji was Luffy. The bigmom pirates warned Sanji that if he didn't want to get married, bigmom would kill Luffy's family and friends.

In fact, Curly doesn’t have to worry about Luffy. Just count the people who are close to Luffy. Excluding the few people on the straw hat boat, the remaining people are Grandpa Karp, Laodou Dorag, and Redhead Guider. , Master Leili, Big Brother Ace, and Second Brother Sabo!

Sanji really has nothing to worry about, because these people didn't have the trouble of finding bigmom in a group, she was already burning the incense. Bigmom wants to kill these people... If she can do it, she will be the king of the world.

It may have been a momentary loss of mind, otherwise Nako of Sanji would not have made such a low-level mistake.

Two hours before the wedding ceremony, the whole cake island became lively. VIPs who received the invitations landed on the island one after another from the port and went to the banquet hall under the greet of ‘Homiz’.

The three of Duke were no exception. They rode in a luxurious carriage to the main city banquet hall. On the left and right were Robin and Perona in costumes. They were all winners in life.

In front of the banquet hall in the main city, a distinguished figure walked into the castle talking and laughing. Bigmom became popular in the sea. The guests were also willing to give her face. In addition to her status, these people also wanted to be at the banquet. Make more friends.

Because of the importance of the wedding, it is the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family—Charlotte Kata Kuri! Duke played against him two years ago, and it can only be said that Luffy can beat him by one stroke, which is a lot of luck.

When Duke entered the arena with Robin's two women, everyone silently stepped back and consciously gave way to a passage. Among the guests invited by bigmom, most people are in the underground world. For them, Duke is much more dangerous than bigmom.

There are three, six or nine guests. Duke is undoubtedly the highest grade. Bigmom has set up a main table for him. Opposite him is Kaido. The table for the two is the best in the audience. of.

Compared with Duke's occasional toast, Kaido shivered a lot, mainly because he was eating and eating by himself, no one dared to talk to him.

The time of the banquet is exactly 10 o'clock. With the arrival of the last few underground world bosses, the wedding is about to begin. These big bosses Duke also knew that the king of shipping, the king of loan sharks, the president of the World Economic News, the queen of Happy Street, etc., occupy almost half of the underground world.

Duke and them are limited to knowing each other. Although they have business contacts, they are not familiar, because after a few contacts, Duke discovered that they have the shadow of the world government behind them. Especially the Queen of Le Street, Stushi, the biggest chicken head in the Pirate World, this very attractive woman, is a senior spy of the world government, that is, cp0.

Stucci noticed Duke's gaze, his eyes flowed, and he looked over with affection, and then was blocked by the sauce elbow that Duke raised.

Stucci: "..."

"Captain, do you know her?" Robin was slightly curious, just curious.

"Ah, I met on this island two years ago. She wanted to seduce me, but I ran away!" Duke looked disdainful.

"Oh, what did you say?" Robin's eyes narrowed into crescents, but she knew that her captain was hurting people, and he had always shown no mercy.

"You also know what business she does. At that time, I asked her very loudly what the price is for the night package!" Duke replied proudly without concealing it.

Robin: "..."

Don't worry, no one wants this guy but me!

Suddenly, the music stopped, and a softer tune was replaced. A beautifully decorated carriage drove slowly under the **** of ‘Homitz’.

Seeing this carriage, the guests stopped to greet each other and looked at it. Bigmom watched the carriage approaching and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, welcome to friends from afar, you are full of exquisite snacks, you must have fun!"

The guests toasted to their seats and left the scene for the newcomers who were about to enter. Duke only noticed that he was sitting at a table not far from him, the Vinsmoke family.

Sanji's family, mad Vinsmok Kage, two cold-blooded brothers, and Lei Jiu who took the first kiss. Not everyone dares to **** things with the empress, Sanji's sister is indeed very sturdy, all kinds of sturdy, so is the dress.

Duke glanced at the family and curled his eyebrows, put down his knife and fork, and looked at the two newcomers today. On the surface, she is gentle and shy, but she can't wait to stab the groom to death Charlotte Brin, as well as the inner struggling, pretending to attend the wedding for her partner, but is betrayed by the rippling expression of Vinsmok Sanji!

In the eyes of the insider who knew the plan and was about to assassinate bigmom, Sanji's look was impatient, and he wanted to complete the scene at the scene. It was a superb acting performance, but in fact... this product is purely authentic.

Sanji perfectly explained what a **** ghost is, because he is it!

(End of this chapter)

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