Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 624: A lot of white beards

On the border of the nations, ten large-scale pirate regiments burst into the interior facing the artillery fire, and the flags on the ships indicated their identity-the beast pirate regiment.

The fleet of ten pirate ships can be regarded as a powerful force in the first half of the great route, but in the new world, this force is not enough. The fleet of the BIGMOM Pirates who fought with them, combined with large and small ships, almost reached three figures.

It was supposed to be a one-sided battle, but after only five minutes of fighting between the two sides, it developed in completely opposite directions. Ten pirate captains of the Beast Pirates drove straight in, while nearly a hundred ships of the BIGMOM Pirates fought back and were chased and could only escape to the hinterland.

In the process of the hurried defeat, the fleet could not organize an effective counterattack, and could only shoot aimlessly behind them in an attempt to block the killer chase. But whether it was a cannonball or a demon fruit capable person, when they attacked the fleet close to the beast pirate group, they were all blocked by the powerful on board, so that the ten battleships were still intact.

Three plagues of the beasts and pirates + army of capable people!

The difference in strength is too great. Facing the elite of the Beast Pirate Group, the Pirate Group on the BIGMOM side has nothing to resist.

Ten warships drove the deserters in front, and only slowed down until they penetrated deep into the hinterland. The fleet was divided into three, each led by the three plagues, to launch attacks on nearby islands.

Their task is not to occupy the island, but to disintegrate the military force of the BIGMOM pirate group on the island as quickly as possible, and then proceed to another island. On the one hand, it is to attract the scattered forces of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, and on the other hand, it is convenient for the large forces of the Beast Pirate Group to invade.

For example, Jack ‘Drought’, when he landed on an island, he transformed into a huge mammoth and madly rushed into the center of the island.

On the edge of the island, hundreds of artillery fired all at once, and countless pitch-black projectiles pierced the sky with a howling neighing sound and bombarded Jack.

boom! boom! Rumbling————

The flames burst, thick smoke billowed, and the fiery flames shot straight into the sky. A burst of rushing sound turned into a loud noise, the ground was blown into craters, and the coastline was filled with a pungent smell of smoke.

The members of the BIGMOM pirate group staying on the island were all very nervous. They only received the notification of the invasion of the beast pirate group, and they saw Jackdon Island.

The speed of the frontline defeat was far beyond their expectations.

"Did you kill it?"

"Even the three plagues of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates, under such firepower, I am afraid..."

The speaker was choked in his throat, because the huge mammoth stepped out in the dark smoke, leaving a deep hole in the ground with each step, and the trembling sound seemed to step on his heart.

"This is your counterattack? It's too weak, I can't even itch it!" Jack waved his trunk, hit the three artillery in front of him, and rushed into the defense line.

The pirates were frightened for an instant, and fled away from Jack in a panic. Some pirates didn't even need any weapons in order to run fast. Seeing this, Jack accelerated the pace of killing, his huge body suddenly started, rushing into the crowd to kill.

The minister who was supposed to be stationed on the island was not there, and no one was Jack's opponent. Facing the mammoth colossus that he turned into, he was basically killed by a spike. Besides, apart from Jack, there are more than a dozen animal-type fruit abilities who have climbed the island, each of which is very powerful.

"I surrender, please don't kill me!"

"Die, the bits and pieces of the BIGMOM Pirates, you have no need to live."

Amidst the wanton laughter, the entire beach was shrouded in **** fog, screaming, roaring, and fighting, and the sounds gathered in one place and echoed over the island.

The corpses are everywhere, slaughter side by side!

Such scenes are still being staged on other islands one after another. The nations that BIGMOM spent half a lifetime creating have lit up smoke plumes one after another...


At the same time, in the contact room of Cake Island responsible for communication with the outside islands, rows of telephone bugs rang one after another. The operator was in a hurry, and his face became paler as he heard the anxious call for help from the other end of the phone bug.

"The Nut Island is under attack and urgently needs a lot of military support!"

"Candy Island lost contact, we need to confirm the casualties as soon as possible..."

"An emergency message came from Flavor Island, the warship of the Beast Pirate Group is approaching..."

In the contact room, the noisy voices entangled, making the already anxious people more urgent.

"Damn, how could this happen? Why did the war suddenly break out?" The cadre in charge here punched the table with a punch, dripping from his forehead drop by drop of sweat.

"Captain, the phone bugs on Cheese Island, they were also attacked."

"How is it possible, that direction is not the territory of the Hundred Beasts Pirates!" The cadre frowned, snatching the phone bug and spouted: "Now it is in a wartime state. Don't lie to the military. You can't have it. A member of the Beast Pirate Group."

"It's not a group of beasts and pirates..." The phone worm's face was seven points of horror + three points of incredible, and he learned human expressions vividly.


"It's the Whitebeard Pirates, a total of fifty big ships, all elite, they launched an attack on us."

"What, the White Beard Pirate Group! How dare they..." The cadre's face paled after a brush.

"The captain of the White Beard Pirates'Firefist' Ace, the deputy captain of the Phoenix'Phoenix' Marco, and the other team captains are all here..." The phone worm stopped suddenly, and the expression on his face instantly solidified. .

"Hey, speak, what happened?" The cadre felt a chill, and gave birth to an ominous premonition.

"Wow, what's that?" The phone worm had his eyes protruding and his tongue stuck out long.

"what happened?"

"White beard! There are so many white beards!"

"What are you kidding? What are so many white beards? White beard is dead long ago!" The cadre was furious. White beard had been dead for two years, and his pirate group was also removed from the Four Emperors. Where is the white beard on the sea? Moustache.

"Beep...beep...beep..." The other end hung The phone worm's face also changed back to its original shape, and his mouth made a blind tone.

"Hey, speak to me quickly!" The cadre jumped his feet with anger, grabbed the phone bug and threw it to the ground.

"Captain, what should I do now?"

"Hurry up and get in touch with the ministers, no, the White Beard Pirates must inform mother as soon as possible..."


The castle where the communication room was located was violently blasted open, half of the wall collapsed, and a huge figure with a crescent-shaped beard walked in with a knife.

"White beard!?" The needle fell in the communication room, and the cadre looked scared when he saw the ghost.

"one two three four!"

The four white beards walked in with their knives. Behind them was Kidd who walked closer to Doflamingo, followed by Hawkins, Arp, and Kira.

"Wow ha ha ha, here are the ears of Cake Island!" Kidd grinned and the scar on his face became extremely terrifying.

"You are'Captain' Kidd... Hawkins, Arp, you are so bold!!" The cadre recognized the three Kidd at a glance.

"Hehehe, I have been looking forward to this day, but I didn't expect it to be so soon! The humiliation that you BIGMOM Pirates gave me, today I want to return it to you all at once." Kidd raised his left hand made of steel prosthesis, Said full of killing intent.

"Come on, white beards, don't leave a living thing!"

Thanks to the book friends: elegant Chinese cabbage, sergyd, white wood zcy, pseudo harsh pseudo house, 08a, the journey of Tyrannosaurus beast for rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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