Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 646: The defeated waste is not qualified to live

"Even if it's not a machine malfunction, what kind of powerful fighters can this low-level planet have!" Napa dismissed it.

Vegeta didn't say much, her face was high and cold in the air, she didn't even mention her hands, and set the final boss posture.

After putting down the heroes on Superman's side, he strode towards Napa, and the raging anger in his eyes showed that he was extremely angry. The superheroes came to the Metropolis today to save the earth and support him. Although everyone didn't say it clearly, Superman knew in his heart that his actions to protect the earth over the years have been recognized by the superheroes.

"I don't like the look in your eyes, you irresponsible kid. I hope you can maintain this expression later when you are in the cage." Napa turned his head, eyes full of Saiyan arrogance and confrontation with Superman. With his contempt and arrogance, he determined that there would be no strong men on the earth who threatened him.

"You trash, I only need one trick to get rid of it."

"Earth is a planet yearning for peace, you Saiyans shouldn't take this as a goal!" Superman obviously heard the previous conversation, after all, his super hearing is not a display.

Napa seemed to have heard some funny joke, clutching his stomach and smiled: "Sure enough, it is a backward planet. There are such ridiculous things. Let Napa uncle tell you that the fist is the biggest in the universe, and the weak do not survive. Space."

After finishing speaking, Napa's whole spirit surged, and he looked at Superman fiercely with his bull's eyes wide open. Seeing that Superman didn't put him in his eyes, his anger was instantly MAX.

Following Vegeta all the year round, every day beckoned by waste coming and going, Napa's pride is more fragile than glass, and he can't stand being looked down upon.

At this moment, Du...cough, Napa’s acting skills exploded, fully interpreting an internally contradictory role. The appearance is crude but the heart is delicate, inferiority and arrogance are blended, and have been repeatedly bullied and laughed...This acting, deserves a prize!

"go to hell!"

Napa roared, and the whole person disappeared in place, leaving a big pit that exploded, and the afterimage in mid-air appeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already close to where Superman was. The super speed is much more than before. If he has just come up with this speed, it will be difficult for superheroes to parry.

General Zod watched silently from the side, his eyes flashed, and then he glanced at Vegeta. He remembered very clearly that Vegeta called the Kryptonian... a commodity.

Napa slammed Superman's face with a fist, directly deforming it, but before he was happy, the smiling face became astonished. His fist penetrated Superman's head, but there was no touch of a real object.

It's an afterimage!

Napa's face changed slightly, and when he saw that he didn't have a single hair in front of him, he couldn't help but was taken aback. He hadn't caught the movement of Superman just now, not at all.

"This is impossible!"

Napa's figure stiffened visibly, and in the next second he became more violent. A huge amount of qi erupted from his body, and the shock wave swept across all directions, lifting the soil layers on the ground.

"Hidden bastard, where is it hiding?"

There was no Superman in front, back, left, or right, and he took a cold sweat on his forehead and raised his head suddenly as if thinking of something. A fist was enlarged in front of his eyes, and the fist wind blew his face, and Napa's pupils suddenly shrank into needle points.


The punch hit Napa's face firmly, and he cried out in pain, tilted his neck and folded it into a strange angle, staggered two steps to the side, and was almost knocked over by a punch.

"Saiyan, leave the earth!" Superman floated in the air, hands on his hips... the pectoralis major was bulging.

"Impossible, I am an excellent fighter from a famous family, how dare you humiliate me so!" The disbelief in Napa's eyes turned into humiliation, and soon turned into murderous intent, roaring towards Superman.

On the other side, General Zod ordered five Krypton soldiers to besiege Vegeta. Zod is a soldier, and he understands the priorities on the battlefield. Vegeta claims to put the Krypton on the shelves, so he is the common enemy of Zod and Superman. When Zod doesn't want to fight with Superman for a life or death, he is picked up cheaply. The best choice is to send Saiyan out.

The Kryptonian soldiers received Zord's order and rushed to Duke indefinitely. The five of them cooperated carefully, and at first glance they were proficient in the combination of strikes. Five tall figures wearing black armor surrounded Vegeta. First, the three attacked, and then the two followed up. The offensive was airtight.

The overwhelming fierce attack suddenly broke out. The Kryptonian soldiers flew with fists, whip their legs like the wind, and used their hands and feet to produce countless afterimages. Fists and feet are like lightning that wraps a hurricane, constantly bombarding Vegeta's chest, abdomen, head, back of the heart, neck and other deadly positions.

Vegeta turned a blind eye, still keeping her feet off the ground, her chest floating in the air. A weird scene appeared, heavy afterimages added to his body, Vegeta motionless, but his fists and feet passed through his body.

In fact, Vegeta has been evading through the perception of Qi, but every time he evades, he will return to his original position, giving the illusion that he has not moved. Although the speed of the Kryptonian soldier has surpassed the limit of ordinary people, in Vegeta's eyes it wriggled like a snail, so slow that it was negligible, and he could find a gap to evade every time he attacked.

Fists and feet shook into a storm, but Vegeta couldn't help but, the Krypton soldier also noticed that he was attacking a monster. Under the panic, the fists moved faster.

"It's too weak, you don't have the qualifications to let me do it!" Vegeta's gaze is usually, from beginning to end, her indifferent eyes have never seen a Krypton soldier.

The Krypton soldier, who was attacking with all his strength, suddenly heard the strong wind coming and did not understand what was going on. The armor on his chest suddenly sank.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, a black afterimage flashed by, and suddenly blasted across the air. The five Krypton soldiers were in shape, and they were bombarded by a huge force and flew out in different directions. Either smashed into the building, or flew into the sky, or fell directly to the ground, smashing a large human-shaped hole.

Vegeta embraced her arms, and her tail swayed and wrapped it around her waist again. As he said, Krypton Soldiers are not qualified to let him do it.

General Zod, who watched this scene, took a breath, and Foola was also stunned. This... Nima is going to hang up!


The Krypton soldier who had just solved the siege, Vegeta glanced at her feet in stunned, half-dead Napa squatting on the ground, he was defeated by Superman.

"I'm sorry... Vegeta..." Napa's mouth was bleeding, hot sight pierced through his chest, leaving scorched eyes.

Superman floated in the air, looking at Vegeta from a distance: "Take your companions away. The earth is not a commodity, let alone trampled on by you."

On the side, the superheroes rejoiced. There were two Saiyans in total, one of them had been killed, and the remaining one was not far away.

Superman is very strong, there is no doubt that it has something to do with his race. The race he is in is one of the most powerful even in the universe full of hundreds of millions of races. Because the entire race is unreasonably krypton gold, their planet has become the famous krypton star, and they are called krypton people. .

That's right, this is the origin of the Kryptonians!

On Krypton, the race that Superman belongs to may be very ordinary, but when he leaves Krypton and arrives on Earth, he immediately rises up tall. Kryptonians’ genes are very resilient, and the upper limit is so high that it is almost impeccable. Due to the lighter gravity of the earth and the light radiation nutrition from the sun, they have gained extraordinary powers from the normal.

Solar radiation fills the cells of Kryptonians with energy, thereby boosting their muscle strength and amplifying other senses. The super power comes from the large amount of stored solar energy. This phenomenon also allows them to derive other abilities, such as thermal sight, super hearing, super vision and so on.

Superman Clark himself once said that living on the earth is like living in a cardboard world, and something will be broken if you are not careful. This solitary experience has led to Superman’s greatest character drawbacks. He is always hesitant and difficult to make decisions at critical moments. He is commonly known as a bad guy and a weak ear.

This time was no exception, he could kill Napa, but in the end he didn't kill him.

"Vegeta... I'm sorry, I was careless!" There was still unwilling anger in Napa's eyes.

"Don't say that, you did a good job!" Vegeta twitched her mouth and smiled and stretched out her hand to Napa.

"Vegeta, I need to return to the aircraft for treatment, please..." Napa was saying, suddenly the sky was spinning before his eyes, and the person had already flown into the air.

" are you going to do?" Napa yelled in panic, with unprecedented fear in his eyes.

"Idiot, you no longer have the value of existence!" Vegeta said coldly, spreading her five fingers to Napa in the air, and a wave of qigong full of huge energy flew out of her palm at extremely fast speeds, rubbing sharply against the air. It blasted and hit Napa with an extremely terrifying breath.



A bright white shock wave penetrated the sky, bright spots rose in the sky, and the devastating energy instantly obliterated Napa to ashes, and at this moment the brilliance of the sun was also covered.

The sudden scene stunned everyone, and Napa's last scream remained in their ears.

The superheroes were dumbfounded, their minds were soaked with cold sweat and their backs were soaked with cold sweat. Their companions would kill as soon as they said they would kill them. General Zod also didn't dare to breathe. The universe did practice the power of the weak, but it was the first time he saw him so cruel to his clan.

"You...Why did you kill him?" The most shocked was Superman.

Vegeta glanced at Superman and said coldly: "We Saiyans are the strongest fighting nation in the universe. The strongest name cannot be desecrated, and the defeated waste is not qualified to live!"

Thanks to the book friends: elegant Chinese cabbage, no nickname, non-heartbeat, 666666th time, book friends 20180617213753301, Xiangshanjushi 233, 08a, the journey of tyrannosaurus, Meng Yiqi, Liu Aogu, the godfather of philosophy, (IAN) , Yunzhishang, 黒@夜's reward!

(End of this chapter)

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