Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 655: Dean Du of Arkham


Duke sat at the luxurious desk in the dean's room, attentively reviewing the documents sent by the secretary, Miss Quezel, his eyes sparkling under his gold glasses and his face was meticulous. The golden sunlight poured in from outside the window, shining on the Dean of Benevolence, who was dedicated to improving the patient. The outline of his face was sharp under the light and shadow.

The TV in the office broadcasts the latest news on current affairs. Whenever words like "alien" are mentioned, Duke, who is concerned about his country and the world, will slightly raise his head, listen carefully, and show a thoughtful look. .

Although Duke is the acting dean, he is exquisite in medical skills, good in character, and with extraordinary temperament. He is born with an affinity. The doctors respect him from the bottom of their hearts. Because of his high medical ethics, he did not abandon or give up to the patients. Whenever he was mentioned in the hospital, the patients shed tears and choked up speechless.

In daily life, Duke is not like other deans' overbearing, advocating diligence and thrift, never extravagance and waste. Last time the laser room requested the purchase of a medical device with the latest technology, Duke deducted half of the funds and imported a copycat machine from a certain eastern country. Even the pen used in the office is nothing but a plain gold pen with diamonds and Parker, it can be described as a hard-working and plain-minded.

The new mayor Mr. Kadu Lihen, after inspecting the Arkham Asylum, praised Duke highly, praised his low-key and non-luxurious style, and claimed that he was the conscience of Gotham City.

Upon learning that Duke was only acting dean, and that the real dean Klein was absent from work and traveling, Mayor Kadu was furious, and on the spot he rebuked Klein for not doing business, revoked his position as dean and authorized Duke as the new dean. Mayor Kadu believes that Du Ke has both talents and virtues and is the best candidate for Dean Arkham. He also called on all medical workers in Gotham City to learn from Dean Du.

For a time, Dean Du's reputation was widely spread in Gotham City!

"Our reporter reported that Mr. President received Superman at the White House, commended Superman for his heroic actions against alien invaders, and awarded him the'Presidential Medal of Freedom'!"

"Let's turn the camera to the White House..."

On TV, Superman’s honoring ceremony at the White House was broadcast. Dean Du dropped the ink-free gold pen in his hand, clenched his fists tightly, and his frowned brows condensed into the word “Chuan”.

Within a few seconds, his eyebrows gradually slowed down, and his concentrated eyes dispersed. It seemed that he had thought of some sad past. He was in a trance and was unable to hold on to himself. He actually sighed heavily.


There was a sound of trembling clothes, and Quezel stood up from the space under the desk, leaving a faint blush on his beautiful face. Quezel stuck out the tip of his tongue, licked the high-calcium milk at the corner of his mouth, pressed his red lips slightly, glanced at Duke provocatively, picked up the file on the table, and swayed out the door.

Duke shook his head again and again when he saw it. As a medical worker, he actually glared at his superiors during office hours. It was really bad for the world and morals.

"No, I can't let her go on. I want to talk to her tonight."

During the day to deal with official duties, and at night to provide psychological counseling to employees, Dean Du feels that the burden on his shoulders is getting heavier and heavier. It is necessary to recruit a few secretaries with long chests and thighs to assist him in official affairs.

On TV, Superman's commendation ceremony continued. The president personally put the medal on Superman's chest, smiled and shook hands with him, and then the two took a group photo.

It has been a week since the madness of the Saiyan incident. Governments of all countries are drafting policies. Because Superman did not hide the Saiyan’s escape and preach to retaliate against the earth, the governments of all countries are about to explode recently. Under the pressure of living and not talking about the contradictions in the past, everyone united together.

The Metropolis is busy rebuilding, the Great American Emperor is busy forming a superhero team, the whole world is in a mess, frantically looking for tights hidden around him.

Facts have proved that nuclear bombs, the most proud weapon of mankind, cannot cause damage to Saiyans. They can't even break the skin. Only superheroes can fight against it. The superheroes who were unwelcome in the past have suddenly become sweet cakes, and their social status has risen. All countries, large and small, are robbing people. On the one hand, they protect their superheroes from being seduced by enemy female agents, and on the other hand they are sent out. Her female agent went to an enemy country to seduce a superhero.

There is even a certain big country that pays tens of millions of annual salaries to superheroes, claiming that once hired, they will be treated as state-owned enterprises. Five social insurance and one housing fund, weekends and weekends, statutory holidays, regular physical examinations, paid annual leave, working meals, house, and union benefits.

If superheroes are in need, the state will come forward to solve the single problem. In the future, children can enjoy education subsidies and be sent to key universities along the way.

The whole world has gone crazy to form superhero teams. Many superheroes can make money to support their families while seeing justice. There are also many super villains with strange brain circuits. They feel that entering state-owned enterprises is faster than stealing money from banks. They have changed their faces and took to the streets to maintain justice.

But without the super villain, there is only the little thief on the street, and he can't be famous for being a superhero, and regrets it for a while.

"I knew that being a superhero would earn tens of millions of annual salary, living in a villa and driving a sports car to sleep a girl, I would still be a badass!"

Hearing this kind of remarks, Duke sneered. A villain is a villain and his mental consciousness is too poor. What does it mean to work hard to figure money and women? Since you want to be a superhero, you should change your words to fight for career and love, otherwise you should be a positive person.

Fortunately, there is a lack of combat power on the planet, and after the superheroes are divided up, the governments of all countries are still not satisfied, and the arms race is like the idea of ​​super villains.

For example, the Great American Emperor, crazy collection of super villains, every state has formed a suicide team. As the name suggests, this group of people are pure cannon fodder using waste, but the super villains recognize it, because there is a policy on it, as long as the merit is brushed enough, they can become positive.

State-owned enterprise treatment!

Speaking of the current superheroes, the highest salary is of course Superman, he can earn 500 million a year!

President Wang: "..."

It is only natural that Superman is so expensive. He is the only superpower among the known heroes who can directly resist the Saiyans. The battle between him and Vegeta in the universe is known as the ‘fight between the gods’. According to the evaluation of scientific data, if the two sides fight big moves on the earth, the destructive power is enough to explode the whole earth.

In his career, Superman became a good son of the earth and a good brother of mankind. In love, his famous girlfriend Louise agreed to his marriage proposal, and many sisters expressed her secret love to him. Even if divorced, he still has countless spares.

When his life reached the end of the winner, his friendship was also harvested.

Former friend Luther also found Superman, and forgot about the things Superman burned his hair before and caused him to bald. Request Superman to contribute Krypton technology, and cooperate with him to form a Krypton clone army to fight against Saiyan's revenge.

Lex Luther!

This bald scoop is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the enemy of Superman in his life. He is well-known in the bad guys world. He has been elected to the best lineup of the ‘greatest comic villain character in history’ all year round. By the way, the villain who ranked first in the voting list and won the MVP several times is the Joker, and he is almost unsurpassed.

Luther is one of the smartest people on the planet, with nine levels of wisdom, has ran for president, and is the chairman of the Lex Group, a wealthy country.

He was friends with Superman when he was young. At that time, Superman was still a poor boy Clark, and he didn't have to wear his pants. The gap in status and wealth did not hinder the friendship between the two of them. They belonged to the class of smart people and they could talk very well with a common language. Unfortunately, this friendship did not last long. After knowing the true identity of Superman, Luther severed contact with Superman.

Luther's mind is very advanced and he sees farther than ordinary people. He believes that Superman is not a hero, but a threat to the earth. Because Superman has repeatedly saved the earth, human beings rely too much on him and become reluctant to make progress.

Yes, Luther thinks that Superman has weakened human potential!

In the face of countless crises, humans should have adapted and evolved, but Superman brutally terminated evolution, so Luther is committed to helping humans eliminate this threat Now it is different. Saiyans successfully squeezed out Superman, Climbing to the top, Luther's greatest human threat. Luther is a smart man. He knows very well that before humans can evolve enough to fight against Saiyans, Superman is an indispensable combat power, and the Kryptonian technology behind Superman is a valuable asset that mankind urgently needs.

Superman was unwilling at first, but his ears were too soft. Luther analyzed the pros and cons before persuading him within five minutes and volunteered to contribute Krypton Black Technology. Luther obtained the Kryptonian technology and began to form a clone army, while also mastering the weakness of Superman-Kryptonite!

Of course, until the Saiyans are dealt with, Luthor will not do anything to Superman!

In addition to Luther, there are others who have taken a fancy to the power of the Kryptonians, such as the Great American Empire. Maybe it was the Saiyan who made a mistake. General Zod and Adjutant Fola were not dead, including the Krypton soldiers are still alive. The Great American emperor issued a green card to the Kryptonians, and promised that Zod would delineate an autonomous region so that he could realize his desire to revitalize Krypton.

General Zod readily agreed that the Kryptonians on Earth are omnipotent gods, and they will become ordinary people when they go to other planets. Zod can't give up the temptation of the powerful race. Zod also has his own plan, first to expand the power of the Kryptonians on the earth, and until the threat of the Saiyans is eliminated, he is conquering the earth with troops.

Of course, Zod will not show it until the Saiyans are dealt with!

In general, the Saiyans are immortal and the earth is sleepless. As long as the threat of the Saiyans exists, the earth will unite for one day!

(End of this chapter)

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