Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 658: Red House + Liao Zhai and the big nose all over the world

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Your life is really...out of the ordinary!" Duke of One Punch Superman world blinked, enduring it for a long time. He said jokingly: "So you are the housewife who was scared by Jerry to stand on the high stool. I can't tell that you can wear women's clothing."

Mengxin rolled his eyes and ignored him.

"Young people work hard, your world is definitely more than this small. One day you go to the beach and maybe you can pick up a SpongeBob SquarePants, or send a big star." Duke of the Superman world patted Mengxin on the shoulder. , A face of the leader of Xing catching head.

"Forget it, if I find it, I guess I will only be forty years old. I must know that the body worn by my soul is already over 30..." Mengxin didn't dare to look directly at her world.

"Yes, you are still single now, does that mean that the housewife who is often scared by Jerry is your future wife?"

"No, I decided to stay single for a lifetime."

After teasing the first newcomer, Duke, who punched the world, turned to look at the second newcomer. The newcomer is dressed in ancient costume and is an extremely beautiful young man with long eyebrows like willows and a body like a jade tree. Even if he stands silently there, he exudes a transcendent temperament, giving people a noble and Qinghua feeling.

The world the newcomer travels through is a bit talkative, one of the four masterpieces, Dream of Red Mansions, but it's more than that.

After the newcomer Duke passed through, he became the younger brother of Jia Baoyu's compatriots. There is no such role in the original work. It may be an accident caused by Master Jia Zheng's hard work that night.

Jia Baoyu was born with a jade, and Duke was the reincarnation of a salted fish, so he also has a suave appearance, he is not as popular with girls as Baoyu.

Although Duke has not seen the whole Dream of Red Mansions, he also knows that it is a tragedy. So he was born with a sense of crisis. The Jia family was rich in the enemy's country and was a top family in feudal society. He was really used to living a good life. He could not accept the tragedy of the second half of his life.

Master Jia Zheng has an eldest son, who died in the cold, so Jia Baoyu is the successor of the family. Although he is not doing his job properly, the old lady likes him; although he does not seek to be progressive, Jia Zheng has high hopes for him; although he is not aggressive, the girls just like him. So as long as Jia Baoyu is alive, no matter how young and promising Duke is, he will not be able to take over the family, let alone change the tragedy.

The sky-filling stone shows Jia Baoyu's aptitude. Like his brother Sun Wukong, his natural ability and endowment are first-class in the world. He is smart, looks pretty, and also stuns girls.

It is a pity that he is also rebellious and has the spirit of resistance. No one can put a golden hoop on Jia Baoyu's head, so he is not as good as a monkey.

The monkey was very happy in the early stage and miserable in the middle stage, but in the later stage, he learned to paddle and easily came down all the way to become a Buddha and an ancestor. Jia Baoyu was very cool in the early stage and even cooler in the middle stage, but in the later stage of the family's decline, he was unable to return to the sky.

Therefore, those who try to challenge order must either have the ability to overthrow it, or they will follow the steps to live honestly. Like Jia Baoyu, while enjoying the hordes of girls brought by the aristocratic system, they laughed at fame and fortune while enjoying the aristocracy.

The monkey has realized it, he has become a Buddha, and Jia Baoyu has realized it, but it is too late!

With such a cheating elder brother, Duke's first thought was to ‘Neyzut’ him, and then take the lead on his own to rejuvenate his family. However, after more contact, I discovered that the demise of the Jia family was destined, and no one could change it. This family is so corrupt that it can't be tolerated by an emperor, and even the nine races are not imprisoned for the sake of their ancestors.

Looking at it this way, Duke suddenly felt that Jia Baoyu had a long-term vision, and he knew that the family would not last for a long time, so taking advantage of his youth, he was walking on the road of firing and loading the guns every day.

Seeing through the fate of the family, Duke was a little frustrated. Judging from the current situation, unless he rebelled and became the emperor, no one could change the tragedy of the Jia family. However, there is a saying, "The road to heaven is boundless," Duke was surprised to find that this world is more than just a red building.

It all started when Duke went to the street to enjoy the lanterns and saw a juggler.

On the Lunar New Year's Day, integrity broke out in the spring, and there were many people on the street. There was a wandering entertainer who carried a child and shouted in the street with a child. Pedestrians saw that he had changed a few tricks, and they felt that they were not enough, making him a peach in the winter.

The artist thought hard and decided to steal one from the Heavenly Queen Mother’s Pan Taoyuan, so he took a rope and threw it to the sky. When the rope rose to the cloud, the child was called to climb up the rope, and a peach fell to the ground in a short while.

Then, a sudden change, the rope fell from the air, and the child's limbs and body also fell one by one. The artist held the body and cried, and picked it up into the box, saying that the child died tragically after stealing the peach and being caught by the heavenly soldiers. He asked the judges to reward the child with money to buy a coffin.

After he had made enough rewards, the child jumped out of the box, unscathed.

Duke was dumbfounded when he watched from the side, and ordered the artist to reward the artist with a lot of money, and invited him to the restaurant to have a feast. At the wine table, the artist did not refuse, and made it clear that there were Taoist ghosts in the world.

There will be no Laoshan Taoist priest, Nie Xiaoqian, painted skin, and fox fairy in the Dream of the Red Chamber... So this is not the Red Chamber, this is the Liao Zhai!

After returning home, Duke was overjoyed and ordered people to find someone who cultivated the path. Then he fell asleep and came to an unknown space.

"I knew I had golden thighs to hold, and I still read the four books and five classics, how good it is to grab a girl with Baoyu!" Mengxin Duke was annoyed, and Baoyu was the smartest one. He had already seen everything.

"Can you tell me how you changed the tragedy of the family after you went back?" Duke of One Punch World asked curiously.

"Rebellion! I saw that the emperor was unhappy!" Mengxin Duke said without even thinking about it, although the background of the times in the world he lives in is very vague, between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is no hair or head. Say, but a discerning person knows that it is the Qing Dynasty.

Don't rebel in wearing a clear, chrysanthemum set electric transfer!

The Qing Dynasty’s destruction of Chinese culture has reached an infinite level. So many tragedies in modern history began with this court.

Reverse, resolutely reverse!

As for whether the court raised a few Taoist priests for worship, Mengxin Duke didn't care at all. After he held his thigh, he would be able to go to the predators, and he was afraid of a few Taoists who were not even gods?

"Then what, your world has a Liao Zhai, so I don't worry that you will still be an ordinary person when you go back, but Jia Baoyu means that there is at least one named Nuwa behind that world. You can relax!" Duke of One Punch World Reminded.

Cute new Duke: "..."

Mengxin decided to wait. Rebellion is a delicate task. You must think carefully and not rush for a while! Let the dog emperor be refreshed for a few more days, and wait for Duke with a sky-opening axe to appear, and then it will not be too late!

Mengxin went to one side to become depressed, and Duke, who punched the Superman world, looked at the last newcomer. Inch, jacket, leather boots, eagle-eyed ~ ~ is quite masculine.

The third newcomer is a policeman or an Interpol. Unlike other Duke, his success is made by himself... Well, it seems that there is no difference. They are all made by himself.

When he first crossed, Duke was just an ordinary police patrol in Xiangjiang. One day when he was patrolling the street, he met Police Officer Chen Jiaju Chen who was really investigating the drug lord. Regardless of his own safety, Duke successfully helped him catch the drug lord, and was recommended by Officer Chen to join the special case team.

After that, he accomplished many tasks with great success and was appreciated by his superiors, during which he successfully completed two major international cases.

The first time was on a luxury cruise ship on the high seas, with former Flying Tigers member Meng Bo, bringing a group of gangsters to justice. The second time happened to be involved in a desert gold incident, and Jackie, the flying eagle, defeated the mercenaries who were greedy for money and captured the gold buried by the Germans in the desert during World War II.

The two outstanding results allowed him to receive the favor of Interpol and start a new journey.

As soon as he became the Interpol, he started a big case involving the manufacture and trafficking of millions of well-made counterfeit US dollar bills. It is still cooperation. The three of Big Nose Police Officer Li and his funny black partner joined forces to laugh and laugh.

Then, because of his outstanding performance, his superiors asked him to bring a new person, named Jimmy Tang, who was characterized by a big nose and a tuxedo, but he was reckless and out of fighting power. Duke led him to a teacher, and the two settled a commercial conspiracy involving a drinking water company.

Interpol’s daily routine is very busy. Duke finished taking the newcomer and started to deal with another case. A little boy was kidnapped. It stands to reason that this case does not need to be handled by him, but the identity of the little boy is a bit special, he is the reincarnation of a mysterious religious soul boy.

Therefore, Duke could only put the case concerning the twelve bronze statues on his hands first...

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